Westfield Wrap Around Care

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About Westfield Wrap Around Care

Name Westfield Wrap Around Care
Address Westfield Primary School, Chalkstone Way, Haverhill, CB9 0BW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Suffolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy and thoroughly enjoy their time at the club. They receive a warm and friendly welcome. Staff greet them individually as they are escorted to the club by school staff from the on-site school.

Children are eager to quickly settle at their chosen activity and engage in back-and-forth conversations with staff about their school day. They demonstrate their independence as they hang their coats and bags up before choosing from a wide range of play opportunities staff plan. These include a variety of craft activities, such as colouring and gluing.

Staff organise sport activities, such as gymnastics and football..., that are overseen by qualified sports coaches. There is a strong focus on children's health and well-being. Staff promote healthy lifestyles and provide children with a selection of fruit alongside other healthy options for snack.

Children follow hygiene routines, such as washing hands before eating. This helps children to form healthy habits for life. A well-resourced environment, with lots of space, allows children to take part in both indoor and outdoor physical play.

In addition, staff plan activities to celebrate children's individuality. For instance, children create their own self portraits. These are on display in the club.

This helps to promote children's self-esteem. Children behave well and form good relationships with their peers. Younger children play alongside older children, who show care and respect towards them.

They ensure they are included in the games they are playing.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff are kind and caring towards the children in their care and dedicated to providing a nurturing space for them to play. They are responsive to children's needs and support them well.

Younger children have a designated key person, who use their observations and discussions with children to plan activities based on their interests. This helps to ensure that children's care is tailored to their individual needs.Children understand the rules and behavioural expectations at the club.

They mirror those implemented within the on-site school. This helps to provide children with a consistent approach and to help them understand what is expected of them. Staff remain calm when providing children with reminders and explain to them why the rules and boundaries are in place.

Staff support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities well. For example, staff adapt practice where needed and work in close partnership with parents and the school to understand the needs of each individual. This helps all children to actively participate in the activities.

Staff understand their responsibility for safeguarding children. They describe the procedures they need to follow to protect children from harm. Staff deploy themselves effectively to ensure that children receive all the support they need.

For example, staff remain close by when children access equipment and remind them of the safety rules to ensure they play in a safe environment.Parents speak positively about the service they receive. Staff have daily conversations with parents at collection times to keep them updated about their children's day.

Parents report that they are happy with the experiences their children have at the club and that their children enjoy their time at the club.Leaders and staff maintain good relationships with the host school. Staff communicate daily with class teachers to share information about the children's school day.

This helps staff to plan for children's individual needs and to provide continuity of care. Leaders have termly meetings with school staff to share information and updates on the provision.Leaders and managers are passionate about the club and creating a positive environment for children.

They implement effective methods to evaluate their provision, such as peer observations and gaining feedback from school staff, parents and children. Leaders and managers are reflective and continue to make changes to improve the service they provide. For instance, they have plans to strengthen communication with parents through the introduction of a regular newsletter.

This will enable parents to be kept updated about the activities available at the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Westfield Primary Academy Little Wonders Preschool

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