White Rabbit Pre School

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About White Rabbit Pre School

Name White Rabbit Pre School
Ofsted Inspections
Address St. Aidan’s Garrison Church, Hipswell Road, CATTERICK GARRISON, North Yorkshire, DL9 3BH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority NorthYorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Staff skilfully use information from parents and their own observations and assessments to plan the experiences they offer to children. Children are highly motivated and very eager to join in with activities. For example, they all sit down for group times.

They are taught to take turns, putting their hands up to answer questions. Children discuss the date, including how many children are present and how many were present yesterday. They compare this to how many more children are here today.

This is all part of embedding mathematics into everything that staff teach children in the nursery.Through their experience...s, children gain respect for people, families and the local community. Staff arrange to have many visitors to the setting.

This teaches children about different jobs, such as the role of a police officer. Children have many walks in the community. They visit the supermarket to shop for ingredients, and go to the library.

Staff help children to understand the nursery's simple rules for behaviour. Staff use a sunflower display, where children progress to the centre when their behaviour is good. They move to the champion poster and receive a small gift.

At tidy-up time, staff play music and use a three-minute timer. This prompts children to help put things away. They are eager to help.

Children's behaviour is excellent.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is fully understood by all staff. They promote children's learning with enthusiasm and authority.

Their interactions with children are of a high quality. The manager believes strongly that they are there to support children and their families. Staff know the local area, children and families extremely well.

Through this understanding, staff provide superb care for children.The manager and special educational needs coordinator (SENCO) make sure that all children receive their full entitlement to early years education. They work closely with professionals, such as speech and language therapists.

The SENCO puts detailed plans in place to enhance the opportunities available to children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Staff have learned how to use simple sign language when communicating with all children. Through this, all children are supported in achieving the very best outcomes.

Staff support children's communication and language development extremely well. They are very clear in their speech with children. Staff pretend they do not know how things work or what to do next in familiar activities.

Children are excited to help, so give them reminders. Staff listen carefully to children. If they have not heard what children say, they respond by saying, 'Sorry my ears are not working.'

This prompts children to say it again. Children speak with increasing confidence and fluency.There is a strong focus on developing children's love of books.

Staff spend a long time on a focus story so that children learn about the characters. They learn who wrote the story and where the beginning and the end are, and they can retell the story. Staff also provide talking books.

This helps children with English as an additional language. Parents can do the recording so that children can listen to them in their home language in the nursery. The nursery also provides a lending library of books.

Children can choose to take them home to share with their parents.Resources are of an excellent quality. The manager has been successful in getting funding.

She has spent this on the garden to make it highly appealing for children, who can explore freely. Children are keen to get outside, even in the rain. They enjoy experimenting with water as they pour it down tubes.

They make marks on the blackboard using their small-muscle skills.Children's independence skills are very strong. Children demonstrate this when they serve themselves their snack.

They choose what they want to eat. They tidy their plates away when they have finished and wash up. Children are confident to put their own playsuits and boots on for the garden.

Staff encourage them to try to do the zips, and they help where needed.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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