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Downswood Community Centre, Chiltern Close, Downswood, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 8XG
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
All children are settled, confident and happy during their time in the inviting preschool. Children learn to be independent and are encouraged to complete their own tasks, such as serving their own snack, and they do so with confidence. Staff have a good understanding and reasoning behind their chosen curriculum and plan carefully to help motivate all children to learn.
Children learn from interesting opportunities. For example, they carry out bird-watching activities. They learn the different names of birds and go on to make bird feeders.
They are excited to see if birds will visit their creations for their food. Chil...dren enjoy bringing their imagination alive when they learn about the world around them. They are excited to build their own train and 'visit' various destinations.
All staff are positive role models. Children are polite and behave well. They develop good social skills and are kind to each other.
For instance, children help each other to complete tasks. Children learn about the importance of healthy lifestyles. For example, they talk about the importance and benefits of routinely brushing their teeth.
Children learn to develop good physical skills and learn to move in different ways. For example, they confidently and safely negotiate equipment and resources, such as balancing beams and pedal bikes.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff have high expectations of children and know each of them well.
This includes what they like and dislike. This helps staff and children build positive relationships, and children feel safe and secure in their learning environment. All children have a positive attitude towards their learning and make good progress.
This includes children with special educational needs and/or abilities (SEND).Staff meet all children's individual needs well, including those with SEND. For example, they liaise closely with outside agencies, such as specialist teachers.
They implement consistent and effective strategies to support children. This includes implementing adaptations to routines to support children in engaging in them.Overall, staff organise the setting well.
All areas of learning are planned for effectively, and children are engaged throughout their time at the preschool. However, at times, when children become overwhelmed or wish to engage in quieter and more relaxing activities, such as reading, the available areas do not support this as effectively as more active activities.Children are confident to communicate and share their thoughts.
For example, children listen intently to each other's ideas during imaginative play opportunities and offer their own thoughts with confidence.All staff establish positive partnerships with parents, who speak highly of them. They comment that staff are helping children flourish.
Staff keep parents well involved and informed about children's achievements and the next steps in their learning. Staff share useful information with parents. This includes healthy lunch box ideas.
Staff build and maintain good relationships with staff at settings children also attend. For example, they routinely share children's progress with them. They successfully provide children with a good consistent approach to their shared care and learning opportunities.
The management closely monitors the quality of care and teaching staff provide children. They have regular evaluation discussions to reflect on they days practice. They discuss what was completed well and what could be done differently.
All staff are keen to continue to develop and enhance their practice.All staff attend mandatory training and attend some beneficial training, such as how to support children with specific SEND needs. Knowledgeable and skilful staff are keen to learn and develop and request training.
However, the management does not swiftly identify when training would be beneficial to support staff to develop their confidence and continue to enhance their knowledge and skills through continuous professional development more consistently.Staff provide children with opportunities to gain a good understanding of other countries from around the world. For example, children learn about the traditions of cultures such as Jamaica.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: review and improve the opportunities children have to engage in more quiet and calmer activities, such as reading more effectively nextend opportunities for staff to access more regular and beneficial training to continue to build on their already good knowledge and skills to enhance their practice even further.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.