Wilmere Lane Nursery School

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About Wilmere Lane Nursery School

Name Wilmere Lane Nursery School
Ofsted Inspections
Address 64 Wilmere Lane, Widnes, WA8 5UR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Halton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children happily enter the setting, greeted by friendly, welcoming staff. Interactions are highly effective and support children's developing vocabulary and understanding. Staff model and support children's learning to help them accomplish things for themselves.

This helps them to develop a sense of achievement. For example, in pre-school, children self-serve from the breakfast bar and carry their food to the table, where they use tongs to get their own garlic bread. Lunchtime is a very social occasion, with staff talking to children, modelling conversations and encouraging children to communicate with their peers.
<...br/>Staff share stories with the children. Children choose their favourite stories, and staff sit with them, pointing out characters and asking questions to facilitate children's understanding and developing vocabulary. Toddlers practise threading, posting and using tweezers to pick up smaller items.

This helps children to develop their fine motor skills in preparation for writing.Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour and learning. Routines within the rooms support boundaries so children know what is happening.

They know what to expect and what they are able to do when. Staff make effective use of visual timetables to support this, particularly the use of 'Now and Next' boards for children who need a little extra support. Staff teach children about politeness and respect and the importance of tolerance and patience.

They incorporate celebrations and events that children celebrate at home, for example Diwali. Providers forge secure links with the local community to enhance their offer. They provide connections to local food banks and other community initiatives for those families who may find themselves in need.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider implements a highly effective curriculum that is well embedded throughout the setting. Children's individual needs and interests are considered seamlessly, and engagement, curiosity and interest are of a high level. Highly trained staff are secure in their knowledge of the curriculum, which ensures it is consistently embedded.

As such, children receive exceptional learning experiences and opportunities.Intent for learning opportunities is robust, with extension and differentiation for different ages and stages of development. The curriculum is sequenced effectively to build upon what children already know and can do.

As a result, children are deeply engaged and curious in their learning.Providers involve children in environmental issues. Through their 'Eco Club', they make changes to their practice to improve the environment.

The children's committee is involved in deciding on where improvements should be made. This helps children to learn about the wider world and their impact upon it.The key-person system is robust in its implementation.

Children are very settled and respond well to the staff in the room. They are secure in their attachments and do not become distressed or upset when adults move in or out of the room. As a result, children build strong bonds and develop meaningful relationships that support their future learning.

Staff support children's emotional development through story. They use 'The Colour Monster' book and puppets alongside a mirror to create an area where children can look at their expression and match it to those in the book and talk about how they are feeling. This provides children with the language and skills needed to recognise and talk about their emotions, particularly with their friends.

Providers complete robust analysis of tracking and observations to monitor children's progress. Gaps in learning are quickly identified by staff, and discussions take place with parents. Referrals to other agencies are made quickly to ensure support is gained as soon as possible.

This helps children to make progress quickly towards their goals.Partnership with parents is a key focus of the setting. Providers tailor transitions and support packages to suit individual children's needs to ensure parents and children feel prepared for the next stage in their learning.

Activity cards are provided to parents that help them in extending their child's learning based on the current themes. This promotes a coordinated approach to learning.Supervisions and appraisal systems are robust and link closely to staff training and professional development opportunities.

Peer observations take place regularly to support staff in modelling good practice and identifying areas for improvement. This helps to ensure all staff have access to high-quality professional development and are trained to deliver a high standard of teaching and learning.Providers identify any breaches to requirements and ensure these are dealt with immediately.

They go above and beyond in addressing any issues and ensuring training to upskill staff is implemented. Providers ensure regular training to revisit safeguarding procedures, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), data protection and reporting procedures. They report any issues in line with their policies and procedures, informing other agencies as necessary.

This ensures the most up-to-date and reflective practice to ensure the safety of all children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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