Wing Bats of West Byfleet School

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About Wing Bats of West Byfleet School

Name Wing Bats of West Byfleet School
Address West Byfleet Infant School, Camphill Road, WEST BYFLEET, Surrey, KT14 6EF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enthusiastically attend this welcoming after-school club.

They benefit from a strong key-person system which enables children to develop excellent relationships with staff. This supports children to feel safe and secure in the environment. For example, new children are identified immediately and are welcomed by their key person who makes extra effort to ensure they settle quickly.

Children have access to a wide range of resources and activities, which engage them and build on their learning from school. Children show great independence as they make choices about food and put away their plates when they have finish...ed eating. Children relish the opportunity to explore and play outside in the setting's large outdoor area.

They race and chase each other and explore the variety of climbing and play equipment together. Children are extremely well behaved and display good manners. They benefit from consistently high expectations from staff across the setting.

Children are kind, courteous and respectful of one another. They concentrate intently on their chosen activities. For instance, they spend time making their fruit sticks and talking with each other and staff about what they are going to add next.

Children listen and respond promptly, particularly when tidying up and moving from one area to another for their activities.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and staff recognise the importance of planning exciting activities. They make sure the activities meet the needs and interests of children attending the setting on a particular day.

They have developed a flexible way of working to enable them to review their own practice; they also seek children's views and preferences and weave these into the activities on offer.The activities give children ample opportunities to be active outdoors. Staff discuss the physical effects of exercise with children.

They encourage them to regularly drink water, which is available at all times. Younger children participate in circle times; this supports communication, as they reflect on their day. Staff give out a star-of-the-day lanyard to children who have achieved something individual to them.

This supports children's well-being.Staff recognise that children need periods of rest and provide a relaxing and comfy space for children to unwind. They talk with children about how they can make healthy eating choices.

Staff engage children in conversation about these at snack time, when making fruit sticks and throughout the session. This helps children learn about keeping themselves healthy and helps to promote a healthy lifestyle.Staff have clear and consistent expectations for children's behaviour.

They take time at the beginning of the day to explain the rules of the club. Staff give children clear information about the routine and structure of the day. Staff use positive techniques to support the younger children to understand the importance of sharing and taking turns.

As a result, children know what staff expect of them and behave well.The working relationship between the club and the host school is extremely strong. Leaders and staff at the club and school act as a single team, working to meet the individual needs of all children and families.

This means that staff at the club know the children particularly well and build positive and supportive relationships with them. As a result, children and families who may need some help receive swift support which helps improve their circumstances.Partnerships with parents are strong and highly effective.

Parents are extremely complimentary of the club and would highly recommend it. Staff ensure that parents remain continually up to date about children's ongoing care. They use effective communication methods to share information with them about children's activities and achievements.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff understand their roles and responsibilities to keep children safe. They can clearly identify the signs and symptoms of abuse.

Staff understand the risks associated with children and families being drawn into extreme behaviours. They know the procedures to follow if they have concerns about a child or the behaviour of a staff member. Staff receive regular supervision and participate in staff meetings to discuss policies and procedures.

Staff complete regular training to help keep their knowledge up to date. They are deployed effectively to meet the needs of all children. Information is regularly shared with children and parents about how to stay safe online.

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