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Unit 1, Castle Road Technology Centre, Castle Road, Sittingbourne, ME10 3RG
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Staff create a strong family feel to the nursery, in which children settle quickly. Parents' and children's well-being are at the heart of everything they do.
Leaders have a passion for using art and music to support children's emotional well-being. For example, younger children often enjoy choosing familiar songs to sing and dance to. Older children thoroughly enjoy learning about different styles of music while swirling ribbons in time to the rhythm.
Staff display children's artwork based on different artists and children beam with pride as they recall how they made them.Staff are highly engaging in their interaction...s with children. They read with excitement, immerse themselves in games alongside children and provide a variety of exciting and fun activities.
Children are very good at following the routines of the day and eagerly await daily group activities. All children fully engage with groups, such as language learning time, sports clubs and 'dough disco' sessions.Leaders and staff regularly meet to ensure that the curriculum they are providing is interesting and challenging for all children.
Staff thoughtfully plan to ensure they are consistently expanding on children's knowledge and skills. Leaders provide opportunities for staff to develop their own knowledge, such as how to further support children's creative skills after visiting London art galleries. All children make good progress from their staring points and leave ready for school with a range of skills and a love of learning.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities exceptionally well. They quickly identify children who may need additional support and are prompt to make a referral when needed. Staff take time to really know each child, including what they like and need and where they are developmentally.
Small, achievable targets are used consistently by staff. Leaders link well with both parents and professionals to ensure they are working collaboratively to achieve the best outcomes.Leaders share their vision well with staff and they plan the curriculum as a team.
This ensures that staff have a good understanding of what they want children to learn from each adult-led activity. Staff are good at checking children's understanding and differentiating the learning so all children make progress. However, the intention for learning in the garden is less effectively planned for.
This means that while the children enjoy their time playing outside, staff are not consistently challenging and extending their learning outdoors.Staff plan activities that build on what children already know and can do. For example, younger children enjoy putting craft items on a tree and singing songs to increase their vocabulary and knowledge about the seasons.
Older children excitedly look at pictures and learn to describe the scene and explain how they know what season it shows. This supports children to develop a deeper understanding.Children demonstrate great kindness to one another and build good friendships.
Staff are good role models and talk to children about manners and respect for others. They use gentle reminders and lots of positive praise. Children listen well and are able to begin to form positive and rewarding friendships.
For example, older children giggle together as they successfully take turns playing board games. Younger children carefully share-out buttons to make a gingerbread man, ensuring each child gets their favourite colour.Staff encourage all children to grow in confidence and self-esteem.
They have well-established home learning books for older children and activity bags for younger children. Parents say they really value these ideas for home learning and are keen to support their children with them. Children are excited to bring these in and are proud to share their learning with the other children in circle time.
Leaders and staff place an emphasis on ensuring the activities they provide enhance children's learning experiences. They focus on supporting children to really understand the world around them and the differences and similarities. Staff utilise many different ways of teaching this.
For example, they use small world toys, books, pictures and items from the past to compare with the present. Children gain a broad knowledge and understanding of the world they live in.Leaders and staff are highly reflective.
They regularly use different methods, such as observations and group staff trips, to evaluate and adapt the care and education they offer. Leaders are passionate about always striving to change and add to the already very good learning and experiences they offer all children. This ensures the skilled staff are enthusiastic and motivated to support all children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: focus curriculum plans more precisely within the garden area, to ensure children are consistently challenged in their outdoor learning.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.