Wolverton Day Nursery and Preschool

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About Wolverton Day Nursery and Preschool

Name Wolverton Day Nursery and Preschool
Ofsted Inspections
Address Wyvern County First School, Aylesbury Street, Wolverton, MILTON KEYNES, MK12 5HU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority MiltonKeynes
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children engage well in a broad range of experiences.

The curriculum supports their interests and encourages them to develop new ones. Staff take time to support children's independence through routines and play. For example, children help to plan and prepare snack time, serving themselves and others.

This helps children to become confident and competent in their physical skills. Children learn about healthy lifestyles through a range of opportunities for physically active play, both inside and outside. Children learn to make healthy choices as they select from a range of fresh fruit and vegetables at snack time.
<...br/>Children develop an understanding of how to manage their own risks while sliding, balancing, running and crawling. They enjoy time in the garden, exploring a range of activities. They explore the textures of soils, herbs and plants and learn about what they need to grow.

Children settle well. They build strong bonds with the caring and nurturing staff. Young babies reach for cuddles when they are tired and reward staff with a smile.

They crawl, reach and pull themselves up to get their chosen toy. Children's behaviour is good. Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour and are good role models.

Children are happy to share and take turns, with staff encouragement.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff feel valued and comment on their positive experiences working in the nursery. They are confident in the change of ownership of the nursery and feel secure in their roles.

The manager engages with staff and knows the main pressures on them. They support staff who are training towards a qualification well. The manager has an ambitious curriculum for the nursery, which is implemented well by most staff.

However, less experienced staff do not always benefit from the support they need to fully understand the curriculum or the way in which children learn. At times, they are unsure what they want children to learn or the best way to support individual children.Children show positive attitudes to learning.

They behave well and learn to manage their emotions with support and guidance from staff. Staff are quick to help children resolve small disagreements over toys. For example, young children are beginning to learn to take turns and share.

When they want the same toy, staff explain to children to wait their turn and offer an alternative toy in the meantime.Staff build positive relationships with the children. Children are polite and respectful of others.

Older children offer help to their friends. For example, at snack time, children will offer to pass cutlery or pour water for their friends.A well-established key-person system is in place.

Children form secure attachments, which promotes their well-being and independence. Staff teach children the language of emotions and help children to recognise how they feel.Staff provide a healthy diet and a range of activities for physical play, both inside and outside.

Children begin to learn what their bodies can do and what makes them unique. For example, babies begin to learn to pull themselves up and balance as they begin to cruise around furniture. Staff support this and build children's confidence through encouragement and praise.

Children learn to manage their personal needs. Staff allow children time and space to build their skills and become resilient to keep trying. For example, when cutting fruit for snack, staff will talk children through safe ways to use the knife and enable children to try.

Children are becoming proficient in their fine motor skills and managing risks.The manager works well with staff and partner agencies. They ensure that all children, particularly those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, have full access to their entitlement to early education.

This helps all children make good progress in their learning. For example, the manager works with speech and language therapists to support the communication and language development of children.The staff team works effectively with children, their parents, and others in their community, including schools, to support children's learning and development and transitions to school.

Staff share information on children's progress and plan learning opportunities to build on what the children already know and can do.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a secure knowledge of child protection and the procedures to follow if they have any concerns about children in their care.

All staff attend regular safeguarding training to keep their knowledge up to date. Staff recognise the signs and symptoms that a child might be at risk of harm. They understand how to make referrals and how to escalate them.

Staff know the procedure to follow if an allegation was made against a colleague. Risk assessments are completed daily, ensuring that the premises and resources are safe and fit for purpose. Secure policies and procedures are in place to keep children safe.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen the support, coaching and mentoring for less experienced staff, to develop their understanding of the curriculum and how children learn

Also at this postcode
Wyvern School Premier - Wyvern

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