Wonderyears Childcare Ltd

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About Wonderyears Childcare Ltd

Name Wonderyears Childcare Ltd
Address Hilldene Primary, Grange Road, Romford, Essex, RM3 7DU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Havering
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff consider the previous experiences of children when planning activities at the after-school club. They work with families to get to know the community of children that use their service.

In particular, staff aim to provide children with opportunities to develop their own talents and interests. Children are happy. They feel excited to make choices.

Children enjoy trying new activities that challenge their thinking and broaden their experiences. Children develop high levels of confidence and self-esteem. They learn that they can achieve anything they want to.

Staff understand that children need familiar routine...s and expectations. They explain and role model what they want children's behaviour to be like. Children understand the rules of the setting.

They learn that listening to staff helps to keep them safe. Staff teach children to be kind to each other. They build nurturing relationships and show children how to tolerate and respect other people.

Children behave well. They are considerate and caring towards their friends. Staff understand that children need to feel happy in order to succeed.

They encourage children to develop social skills. Staff teach children to play games and cooperate with one another. Children are sociable.

They feel confident as they hold conversations with their peers. Children have high levels of self-esteem. Their experiences at the after-school club support their emotional resilience and happiness.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff support children to be physically healthy. They teach children a range of physical skills outside. Children ride on bicycles, play on scooters and climb on equipment.

They are confident and gain physical resilience. This supports children's physical strength.Staff support children to learn about what foods are healthy for them.

They provide children with a varied menu of nutritious meals. Children learn that healthy foods help them to be physically healthy. This supports their physical well-being.

Leaders and staff support children to understand how to communicate with others. They teach children to express themselves. Children learn to take turns and share with their friends.

They build confidence when telling others how they feel. Children behave well. They understand how their actions affect other people.

Staff teach children about communities beyond their own. They encourage children to share their unique backgrounds and differences. Children are tolerant.

They learn to understand how to respect other people with backgrounds different from their own. Children are kind to each other. They celebrate their unique qualities and learn to respect one another.

Staff consider the skills and knowledge children need to learn. They consider the needs of individual children when planning activities. Staff create an environment with age-appropriate toys and activities to engage children in their play.

Leaders and staff gain vital information about individual children that keeps them safe and happy. For example, they identify any children who have allergies and intolerances. Staff have an effective procedure for sharing this information and administering medication, where required.

Leaders understand that planning professional development opportunities for staff is important. They use their knowledge of the children in their care to create relevant training opportunities for staff. This helps staff's knowledge and skills to continue to improve over time.

Staff understand that parent partnerships are important. Parents and carers report that staff give them information about the activities their children engage in. They say that their children are happy and look forward to coming to the after-school club.

Parents comment that the information they receive helps them to promote children's interests at home.The premises are safe and secure for children. Staff complete risk assessments routinely.

They work hard to ensure that outdoor activities and play on large equipment are conducted safely and that the rules are understood by all.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Hilldene Primary School

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