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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
The manager and her staff strive to create a warm and friendly atmosphere.
Children and their families are exceptionally well supported. The views of parents and children are highly valued, and contribute fully towards the improvements made within the nursery.The manager and staff are exceptionally dedicated to providing a fully inclusive environment where children with complex medical and educational needs are extremely well supported.
Staff accelerate the learning of all children and prepare them tremendously well for their next stage in learning, such as school. They listen to the children's discussions with ...enthusiasm and ask appropriate questions of interest. Staff are kind and helpful towards the children and each other.
They are excellent role models for the children and set clear boundaries that the children respect. The children's behaviour is exemplary. Children are happy, confident and exceptionally engaged in their learning and play.
Staff give the children time to respond to questions and opportunities to try to do activities for themselves. Therefore, children become extremely independent learners. Children impressively recognise their own names, fetch their own coats and put their shoes on.
Older children learn about taking turns, listening to each other and enjoying board games. Younger children strengthen their physical skills, and gain knowledge and understanding of the world by enjoying the mud kitchen and water activities in outdoor play. Babies develop language and listening skills through nursery rhymes and actions.
The skilful planning for children's learning and development means that the individual needs and interests of all children are fully met. Staff create a supportive environment where parents are informed in detail of their child's progress and how to extend their learning at home.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff are exceptionally skilled at enhancing children's physical skills through a range of exciting and challenging activities.
For instance, babies enjoy exploring and finding jungle animals in shredded paper and a mix of pretend snow and glitter.Children develop their language skills through carefully planned speaking and listening activities. Children are encouraged to share their home lives, sing songs, and take part in inspirational rhyming activities.
Staff take every opportunity to develop children's conversations and activities by asking challenging questions and allowing children time to think and respond. As a result, children are exceptionally confident in their own abilities and are excited to try new experiences.Children display high levels of social skills and are kind and considerate to each other.
Staff praise children for their achievements and positive behaviour.Respect and kindness for others is thoroughly embedded through the setting. Children learn about manners and being polite.
Children develop an excellent understanding of the cultures and festivals celebrated by other children and families.Children's knowledge of the wider world is developed exceptionally well through inspiring topics and exciting visitors who attend the setting. For example, representatives from the police, army and fire brigade have visited and talked to children about their different roles.
The management team regularly reviews and reflects on how training impacts on the staff's practice and the care the children receive. They provide staff with a robust supervision and training schedule, which takes into account individual staff member's mental health and well-being.The manager is an exceptional role model for her staff and works tremendously hard to motivate and inspire them.
The staff's high expectations of the children mean they take part in inspiring and challenging activities. For example, younger children take part in mark making with their fingers and older children enjoy physical activities by using peelers and graters to prepare healthy snacks.Staff take the children out on regular visits and outings in the community.
They thoroughly enjoy the visits to the woods and learning about the farm animals they see en route. Children enjoy sharing ideas with others, which further supports their confidence and self-esteem.The manager continuously strives to improve children's experiences.
She has developed strong links within the community to extend and enrich children's learning. For example, links with a local care home mean children regularly interact with older people.Parents are extremely complimentary about the nursery.
They say that the staff are exceptionally supportive and they prepare children tremendously well when moving rooms in the nursery and for starting school.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff benefit from a rigorous safeguarding training programme which equips them with an excellent understanding of the signs and symptoms which indicate a child may be at risk.
Staff show a precise understanding of issues such as female genital mutilation, whistle-blowing and the 'Prevent' duty. The manager and staff are extremely proactive in taking action to keep children from harm. Managers have comprehensive procedures in place to ensure staff identify and report all safeguarding concerns swiftly.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.