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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision requires improvement Leaders are committed to continually improving the quality of the provision and recognise the journey of improvement the setting is on. They have supported all staff to have a thorough understanding of safeguarding and have identified further steps that they need to take to help improve the quality of education.
However, inconsistent monitoring from leaders has resulted in weaknesses in staff practice and the implementation of the curriculum. Leaders are still in the process of implementing the curriculum and this means that not all children make the best possible progress. Currently, much of the learning that takes place is incid...ental and the poor organisation of some activities impacts on children's engagement.
However, the setting has a good understanding of each child's needs and next steps. Assessment is accurate in identifying children's current development and in recognising when children may benefit from extra help in their learning. Good links have been made with other agencies to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Children are valued as individuals and staff meet children's care needs well at this small, inclusive setting. Children are welcomed with a hug by caring staff. Staff are calm and consistent in their approach as they support children to understand the expectations of the setting.
They model good turn taking and praise children as they pass resources to each other. Children giggle as they interact together. Caring relationships have been established.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider failed to inform Ofsted of a significant event when they needed to close the setting to allow time to rectify an issue with the building. Although this is a breach of legal requirements, there is no impact on children's welfare as leaders took swift action to ensure the premises were safe and secure. Staff complete effective risk assessments to make sure the environment is clean and suitable for children.
Leaders have spent considerable periods of time covering ratios in the rooms, meaning that there have been gaps in the use of supervisions and monitoring of staff practice. This has resulted in inconsistencies in the implementation of the curriculum. Leaders have not implemented an ambitious curriculum that provides children with a breadth of experiences across all areas of learning.
However, priority has been given to supporting staff wellbeing. Staff speak passionately about the setting and feel supported in their roles.The setting does not always consider how they can organise the activities to support all children to get the best from these experiences.
For example, although children eagerly join the activities that staff provide, these do not always build on what children know and can do. Furthermore, staff do not consider how they could best use the environment to reduce noise levels at these times. This affects children's engagement in activities and results in some children losing interest.
At times, staff use children's interests as they play alongside them to support their learning. For example, as children show an interest in the bikes, staff provide water, sponges and soap. Children use their small muscles to squeeze the sponges as they clean their bikes and spray water.
As children fill up jugs, staff introduce language such as more and heavy. However, at times, staff provide a supervisory role and do not provide children with high-quality interactions to help extend their learning.Partnerships with parents are a strength of this nursery.
Staff take time to get to know the needs of each child and family. Staff keep parents well informed about their children's progress and development. Parents of children with SEND feel the nursery has played an integral role in getting their children the support they need to progress their skills.
The setting prioritises children's health. Healthy snacks and drinks are provided and children have access to lots of fresh air and exercise. Staff teach children about the importance of good oral health.
Parents comment that since children have started attending they are more positive about brushing their teeth at home.The setting supports children to become increasingly independent. Children eagerly help staff to clean the tables and help to give out cups and plates at mealtimes.
They competently wash their own hands and pour their own drinks. These experiences help to support children's confidence and self-esteem.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date implement an ambitious curriculum that provides children with a breadth of experiences, knowledge and skills to prepare them for the next stage in their learning 11/11/2024 ensure that effective arrangements for supervisions are in place to support the coaching and mentoring of staff.11/11/2024 To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: consider the organisation of the learning environment and activities more thoroughly to maximise all children's learning and engagement.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.