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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Enthusiastic staff create a nurturing and welcoming learning environment that is inclusive for all children. As children arrive, they are greeted by warm, friendly staff. If children struggle to separate from their parents, staff expertly use their knowledge of the child to reassure them and support them to engage in activities.
Children clearly feel safe and secure. They confidently choose from a wide range of activities at this outstanding nursery. Passionate leaders, managers and staff create an ambitious curriculum that builds on what children know and what they need to learn next.
Activities inspire childre...n to take control of their own learning. Staff interactions continually support children to extend their learning to the highest level. Staff have high expectations for children's learning and development and are excellent role models.
Mutual respect between adults and children is clearly evident. Children behave exceptionally well. They regularly use good manners and speak respectfully to each other.
Older children support younger children. For example, when younger children want to complete a story activity, older children sit with them and they complete this together. Staff ensure that children are well prepared for transitions throughout the day.
For example, they use the clock to show children when they need to tidy. They clearly explain children's choices to them so children can take control of their own learning.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The inspirational leaders and managers are excellent role models for staff.
They support staff to provide children with excellent care and learning experiences. Continuous evaluation ensures the needs of the children are met at a high level. Staff expertly ask questions so that children continually recall previous learning and link this to current activities.
This means children's learning is securely embedded and they make excellent progress.Information gathered when children first start, along with consistent observation and assessment of children, means that staff are able to plan effectively for children's individual needs. If gaps in children's learning are identified, staff plan booster sessions to support children's development.
For example, if children struggle with numbers, staff plan activities to support and challenge them. If required, staff work with other agencies and parents to ensure consistency for children to help them make progress in the quickest time possible.Mathematical development is a particular strength of the nursery.
Recent training has supported staff to expertly weave mathematical learning into all children's daily activities and learning experiences. For example, highly effective planning at snack time, means this is a superb learning experience . Children peel their oranges and estimate how many segments there are.
Once counted they discuss the difference between each other's and staff talk to the children about having one more or one less than their friends. This helps children gain a significantly secure knowledge of mathematical concepts.Staff plan experiences to support children's understanding of their local community and the wider world.
Resources in the nursery represent different cultures. Parents are invited to share their culture and festivals with children. Children recently enjoyed attending a local Diwali market.
They listened to traditional music and had opportunities to dress in traditional clothes. This helps to embed and secure children's learning and understanding of the world around them.Support for children's communication and language is exceptional.
Staff skilfully and consistently ask children open ended questions to develop their thinking and language skills. Staff attentively recognise when quieter or less confident children need encouragement to join in and ensure they have time to express themselves. Staff confidently introduce children to new words, expanding their vocabulary, which children then use independently.
This means children's communication and language skills flourish as they all become confident communicators.Children show a love of books and stories. They listen intently as staff read their chosen books.
Staff recently completed training to support children to create their own stories. Children begin to understand words have meaning as staff write their words in books. Children then act their stories out with help from their friends.
During daily poetry sessions children show delight as they laugh and enthusiastically join in with the rhymes and follow the actions.Staff have excellent knowledge on what they want children to achieve during activities. Children learn the names of the equipment they use.
For example, children talk about the pestle and mortar they use to grind cinnamon. Children remember that the cinnamon comes from Sri Lanka. Careful planning means that activities are adapted well for children's individual needs.
This means children are highly engaged at activities and stay for extended periods of time.Parent partnerships are extremely strong. Regular communication ensures that parents know about their child's progress and the next focus for their development.
Home learning packs ensure parents can further support learning at home. Parents appreciate the support their children receive and comment on the friendly, approachable staff. This promotes continuity for children and supports effective parents partnerships.
Staff provide limitless opportunities for children to be independent. Children confidently manage their self-care. They use the nose wiping station and understand why they need to wash their hands.
Children confidently hang their coats and change to their slippers. If they need support, staff are close by. As children mash banana to add to pancakes for their afternoon snack, they talk about the ingredients as they add them and feel a strong sense of achievement.
Children's physical development is effectively planned to help them develop new skills and build on existing ones. Staff recognise that some children learn best outdoors and provide engaging activities in the garden and the forest school area. Children learn to manage appropriate risk as they climb trees and cook on the camping stove.
Regular activity sessions in the hall support children to work in teams and move in different ways.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.