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Joliffe Playing Ground, Fox Lane, Caterham, CR3 5QS
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
The management team creates a family-like atmosphere.
They demonstrate kindness and respect in their interactions with others. This approach has a positive impact on children, particularly those who have faced challenges earlier in life. Children, including those new to pre-school, feel safe and emotionally secure.
For example, when children arrive, they can easily separate from their caregivers. Staff support children in understanding their rules and boundaries. This helps children to behave well.
They accept each other regardless of their different backgrounds.The management team has developed a well-structu...red curriculum, which staff understand clearly. This curriculum places a strong emphasis on promoting children's physical health.
Children enjoy activities, such as dance and music. Staff know that some children have gaps in their learning, particularly in communication and language skills. They collaborate closely with other professionals to address these gaps and ensure no child falls behind.
Staff help children develop strong English speaking skills and work to expand their vocabulary. This support is particularly beneficial for children who speak English as an additional language. For example, children learn to engage in meaningful conversations during role-play activities.
Additionally, they expand their vocabulary as they talk happily about familiar fruits and vegetables.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The management team is strongly committed to its work with children. They act with integrity and use additional funding to provide children with opportunities they might not otherwise have.
For example, children participate in various sports, such as archery, which they enjoy.The management team has a positive attitude. They welcome the views of other professionals to help evaluate the quality of the pre-school.
Children have many opportunities to play and learn outside. Currently, the management team is focusing on improving the outdoor space to create further enriching learning experiences for children.Staff morale is high.
They speak happily about their work in pre-school. Staff report receiving regular supervision sessions and ongoing training to enhance their knowledge and strengthen their skills. For example, they have improved their understanding of sign language after training.
This aids children in interacting with adults and peers.Staff observe and assess children's progress to design an ambitious curriculum. They support children effectively, including disadvantaged children and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
This helps all children to make significant progress from their starting points. For instance, children who previously experienced anxiety have developed greater social confidence.Additionally, children with limited language skills are now learning to express themselves verbally.
Staff model language for children effectively. They introduce new concepts and ideas to enhance children's existing knowledge. For instance, during a planned activity, staff talk to children about 'hibernation' to teach them how certain animals survive in cold climates during winter.
Staff incorporate stories and songs throughout the day to enhance children's vocabulary. This increases children's word bank, preparing them well for school.Children are well motivated to play.
They access activities freely, indoors and outdoors. However, staff have not reviewed the organisation of transitions between activities and daily routines to minimise interruptions to children's play. The interruptions affect children, especially when they are deeply absorbed in activities.
Parents and grandparents have a favourable view of the pre-school staff. They commend the staff for creating an inclusive and stimulating environment. The management team acknowledges the need to be more consistent when sharing information about children's progress with all parents.
Hygiene practices are integrated thoroughly into the curriculum. Staff encourage children to wash their hands at appropriate times. During mealtimes, they discuss the health benefits of eating fruits and vegetables.
Children gain good knowledge about healthy lifestyles.Staff have high expectations of children. They offer children lots of praise and encouragement.
This increases children's confidence and independence.Staff are positive role models for children. They teach children how to care for others and the environment, including animals.
This helps children behave kindly and respectfully.The management team and staff are vigilant in supervising children. They know how to respond in emergencies and act quickly to ensure children's safety.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: review the organisation of transitions between activities and daily routines to fully support children's play build on good strategies to ensure that all parents receive regular updates about their children's progress, encouraging their full involvement.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.