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About Woodpeckers After School Club
Woodpeckers After School Club
Woodchester Playgroup, Church Road, North Woodchester, Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL5 5PD
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children say that they look forward to coming to the after-school club. They arrive with great enthusiasm and there is a happy, friendly atmosphere within the setting. Children report that the staff are kind and that they plan lots of activities that they enjoy.
The children confidently chat with staff, and visitors about their experiences at the club, and what they have done at school and with their families.On arrival, it is clear that the children all know the routine. They store their belongings, wash their hands and sit down quickly in preparation for a snack.
Older children serve the snack and when finished children ...clear the tables. Reception children, like those who are older, show great independence and confidence. Children understand behavioural expectations.
They follow instructions promptly and are polite and considerate of others. Children of different ages play well together. The buddy system for Reception children works well.
Older pupils take great care to ensure that their Reception buddy is included. They help them learn club rules, where to find resources, chat and play with them. Children clearly enjoy the company of the staff, who make sure every child is occupied and happy.
Staff ensure that every child receives individual attention from them during the course of the afternoon. They encourage children to choose activities and know each child's interests and abilities. They offer ideas to extend activities.
For example, children embrace the challenge of doing complex jigsaws with increasing numbers of pieces. Children persevere at activities for long periods of time. For example, they create pizzas and other foods out of play dough as they pretend to be restaurateurs.
Others delicately position fuse beads on boards, using their own design ideas.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The staff are highly competent and enthusiastic in their roles. They work well together.
They understand their role and responsibilities and instinctively know when to play an active role in children's play and when to let them play freely.Staff have a very good awareness of children's individual needs, interests, life experiences and family backgrounds. They use this knowledge to ensure that every child is included and valued.
They listen carefully to the children and are highly responsive to their needs.Staff skilfully manage children's behaviour. For example, they remind children to use 'indoor voices' when noise levels rise.
They calm children down when they get over-excited during imaginative play, doing so in a calm, sensitive way, without inhibiting children's play and enjoyment.The staff make sure that children get plenty of opportunities to be active. Except in poor weather, children spend a lot of time outdoors and develop their agility.
Riding scooters is a favourite pastime and staff ensure children wear helmets to keep safe. Staff are vigilant in their supervision of the children and help them to understand safety risks.Staff work closely with parents and school staff.
They use good two-way communication to safeguard children's welfare and enhance their play and learning experiences. Feedback is regularly sought from parents. Parents give high praise to the staff and report that their children love attending.
Parents appreciate the regular, informal feedback from staff about their children's welfare and activities.The staff team show great enthusiasm to improve their knowledge and skills. They all hold first-aid certificates and have completed comprehensive safeguarding training.
They access online training to increase their understanding of special educational needs and/or disabilities, mental health matters and management skills.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.