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About Woodpeckers at Brune Park Holiday Playscheme
Woodpeckers at Brune Park Holiday Playscheme
Brune Park Community School, Military Road, Gosport, Hampshire, PO12 3BU
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Leaders provide a highly organised and safe playscheme for parents to confidently leave their children. There is a very positive atmosphere across the club. Staff welcome children and support new children attending by offering reassurance and kind words.
Children enter the playscheme excited and happy. They are quick to make friends and eagerly take part in the activities provided for them. Staff have high expectations of every child.
Children follow instructions well and listen intently to the staff when they speak. Children kindly support one another. For example, a younger child finds a coat and gives this to their frie...nd who has left it behind.
Staff give children a voice. For instance, they allow children to choose the activities and games they wish to play. Younger children have fun with age-appropriate activities.
For example, they play games using a 'parachute' and take turns to go underneath, laughing as they run. Staff interact with children extremely well. Staff are patient, kind and supportive to every child attending.
They introduce new children to those who have experience of attending the playscheme, so they can successfully support them to feel at ease and to understand the routine of the day.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders are inspirational and want to provide the best experience for children who attend. They constantly reflect on what they provide for children.
For example, children and parents complete questionnaires and comments books are available everyday for feedback from those who have attended the playscheme. Staff feel well supported by leaders and demonstrate this through their positive approach and enthusiasm with the children. Leaders understand the importance of staffs' well-being.
For example, they talk to staff before each shift and ensure they are able to carry out their duties effectively.Children state, 'they have fun and enjoy the variety of activities provided and the staff do it with them', they ' love the staff and they are fun' and 'they like making new friends'. Staff provide a range of interesting and exciting activities for children.
For example, they offer go-karts, dodgeball, swimming, arts and crafts, and archery. Staff support children's well-being and give them a sense of responsibility. For instance, older children who attend the club are able to wear playscheme shirts and also help staff carry out the activities.
Staff ensure that children know the rules of the playscheme. Children's behaviour is excellent overall. On the rare occasion that children do forget the rules, they are reminded promptly and sensitively by staff.
Children know they are not allowed to have their mobile phones and these are kept in their bags on another site throughout their time at the playscheme. They demonstrate their understanding of the rules by informing staff they need to get a drink or to use the toilet. Staff move children between activities easily and safely.
Leaders and staff are excellent role models to the children. They strive to make the activities as fun and varied as possible. They are polite, friendly and speak to children in an age appropriate way.
For example, when children occasionally fall out, staff quickly respond and teach children how they can cooperate and successfully resolve the issues with their support. Staff form quick bonds with the children and they, in turn, look to the staff for advice and guidance.Parents state they are very happy with the care their children receive at the playscheme.
They are given clear joining instructions to help themselves, and their child, to feel at ease before attending for the first time. Parents know the staff team well as many attend one of the other before- and after-school clubs ran by the organisation. Parents talk to their child beforehand about behaving appropriately and following the rules.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders and staff have a robust knowledge and understanding of how to keep children safe. They know the signs and symptoms of abuse including the wider safeguarding concepts such as the 'Prevent' duty and female genital mutilation.
Children's safety is well managed and ensured at all times. For example, staff use detailed registers, have passwords in place for the safe collection of children and accompany children when moving around the site. Leaders have robust recruitment processes in place, such as checking for gaps in employment and always having two satisfactory references before they work directly with the children.