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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements The out-of-school provision has a strong ethos of enabling children to gain confidence, resilience and self-esteem. Staff know all the children exceptionally well.
Using the provider's 'Enrichment Plan', staff plan themed weeks alongside other purposeful activities that complement the learning children receive at school. These activities help children develop a broader knowledge of the wider world and diversity. For example, children engage with interest while playing musical instruments from around the world.
Staff and children set up 'One Can' to work with charities for food donation banks. This work helped children gain... a bigger perspective of how to help others during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. Staff have very high expectations for every child attending.
They value children's decision-making and ideas. Staff have acted on these on many occasions, to support the choices children make. Children are extremely happy and emotionally secure.
Their behaviour is impeccable at all times. They fully understand the rules and routines. Older children are positive role models to the younger children.
All children show high levels of self-control, especially with some adaptions made because of the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, rather than self-selecting food at snack time, children wait patiently as staff serve it instead.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider has secure systems for recruitment, induction and supervision of her staff to ensure their ongoing suitability.
Staff are exceptionally keen to enhance their professional development. This includes completing a qualification in children's mental health and well-being. Staff have implemented this knowledge recently in various ways to promote how children gain confidence to speak about or discuss concerns.
Staff ensure children learn about online safety, how and who to trust, and support children's awareness of 'body image' to enhance their self-esteem.Dedicated staff are successful in providing children with a broad range of opportunities to build on what they learn at school and home. Before the pandemic, staff were working in partnership with school and parents to help children with reading and homework.
Although this is not currently viable, staff are extremely proactive to enhance children's language and communication, physical skills, confidence and socialisation. Systems to track children's development, although not a requirement for the provision, are exceptionally well implemented.Children enjoy very healthy and nutritious meals and snacks.
Staff help children to learn about healthy lifestyles, food, vitamins and minerals. Staff encourage children to play outdoors daily. Young children are very keen to show staff and their friends ballet and gymnastic moves while playing on balancing apparatus outdoors.
This interaction helps staff to learn more about children's interests away from the club.Children have consistently high levels of respect for staff and other children. They are very confident and are keen to try new things.
Young children demonstrate exceptionally good listening skills as they learn the rules for a board game. They listen intently to the instructions and show excitement as they grasp the rules and play with their friends.The manager has an exceptional knowledge of her role and responsibilities.
She and her staff interact warmly, engage children and enable them to have fun. The manager is very aware of how to promote children's confidence and emotional well-being. For example, innovative staff have introduced a new idea to help this.
Staff invite children to write in 'emotion boxes' to share their thoughts, concerns and things they are positive about, the impact being that children are gaining even more awareness of their feelings.Parents are very positive about the care that their children receive. They state that staff know children very well and support them both academically and emotionally.
Parents add that staff are nurturing and that children are very happy to attend. Young children are eager to give their views. They say that they enjoy attending.
A child explains, 'I tell my friends all about it'. The child adds, 'I know they would like to come too'.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff show a secure understanding of all aspects of safeguarding children. They respond confidently to questions and scenarios to demonstrate their responsibilities for keeping children safe. This includes what to do if they have a concern about the provider or another staff member, and about 'Prevent' legislation.
Staff are extremely proactive in giving children the confidence and skills to know how to contact the emergency services. They are exceptionally focused on helping children understand all aspects of online safety. Staff have rigorous procedures to ensure that resources are thoroughly cleaned and sterilised during the pandemic, to maintain safety as much as possible.