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About Wraparoundcare4u @ Holtspur School
Wraparoundcare4u @ Holtspur School
Holtspur School, Cherry Tree Road, Beaconsfield, HP9 1BH
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements The manager and staff create a safe and welcoming environment for all children. Younger children are safely escorted from the school playground to the club.
On arrival, they hang up their belongings and self-register. They are eager to talk about their day and join in activities of their choosing. Children's views are highly valued and staff find out about their interests to provide experiences to help them to complement and build on their existing skills.
Children use their imaginations well. They join in various art and craft activities and are proud of their creations. Children are enthusiastic as they tell the inspecto...r what they like doing at the club.
They enjoy constructing with bricks, relaxing in the cosy area and playing games, such as skittles and chess.Staff have high expectations of children and are consistent in their approach to managing their behaviour. Children take responsibility for themselves and they are polite, helpful and respectful.
Children make friendships with each other and play cooperatively. The premises are safe and secure. Staff carry out risk assessments to help identify and minimise risks in the club's indoor and outdoor environments.
Children develop a good awareness of the ways they can help to keep themselves and others safe. For example, they learn to use scissors safely when cutting out 'gingerbread people'. They practise the emergency procedure and talk about online safety.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff establish very positive relationships with parents and teachers to help support children in the club. They gather information from the school to ensure that all children's needs are met. This helps to ensure continuity in children's care and learning between school and the club.
Children have a 'welcome pack', which includes a pictorial representation of the club. This helps them to be familiar with the environment, activities and routines before they start attending. Children establish caring and trusting relationships with staff, who play alongside them and listen to their thoughts and ideas.
This helps children to settle quickly and feel confident.The manager and staff maintain an inclusive environment where they respect and value each individual child's needs and views. Staff know each child well and genuinely care about their experiences within the club.
Staff support children's emotional well-being through consistent and positive interactions. Children communicate confidently and readily share their views and opinions. Staff support children's language skills effectively.
They skilfully engage children in conversations and ask them about their ideas and experiences.Children have some good opportunities to learn about the world in which they live. For example, they talk about where fruit and vegetables grow, the solar system and Remembrance Day.
However, staff miss occasional opportunities to help children to extend their appreciation of diversity and understanding of similarities and differences between people.Children are proud to take on responsibilities, such as setting the tables at snack time. Staff encourage children's mathematical development, which is demonstrated as they count and name colours and shapes of cups and plates.
Staff encourage children to be independent and lead healthy lifestyles. Children follow good hygiene routines and help themselves to nutritious snacks, such as fresh fruits. They have plenty of opportunity to practise their physical skills.
For instance, they have ample space to run, develop balancing and ball skills, and play various games.The highly motivated provider, manager and staff actively reflect on their provision, to build on the existing good practice. The provider places a strong emphasis on staff training to enhance their knowledge and skills, and to ultimately benefit the children.
Children and parents have consistent opportunities to share their views about the club and this is valued by the staff. Parents hold the staff in high regard. They say their children are 'safe and they enjoy all the activities'.
Their children often express that they would like to stay longer after school.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are confident to report safeguarding concerns.
They maintain their good knowledge and understanding of indicators of abuse and procedures to follow if they have a concern about a child. Staff know what to do if there is an allegation against a member of staff. Children are encouraged to talk about their worries or concerns they may have.
Robust vetting procedures ensure staff are suitable to work with children. Staff are deployed effectively, and they closely supervise children during their play. At the end of the school day, staff collect the younger children from the playground and escort them safely to the club.