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About Wraparoundcare4u Ltd @ Burford School
Wraparoundcare4u Ltd @ Burford School
Burford School, Marlow Bottom, Marlow, SL7 3PQ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are happy and safe at this club. They settle quickly as they arrive excitedly with their friends.
Staff respond to children's growing interests extremely well. For example, in a recent survey, children expressed a wish to be able to continue playing outside when it gets dark. The provider enabled this by supplying torches and light-up skipping ropes and hoops.
Children have immense fun as they delight in watching the lights flash on and off. They investigate and explore the different settings on the torches, discovering that these can display different colours and shapes.Children benefit from a rich set of experie...nces.
They draw pictures which represent their interests, such as flowers and trees, and select building resources to make aeroplanes and cars. Children are very proud of their creations as they show them to each other and the staff.Children are happy and well behaved across all age groups.
They play well with the staff and their peers and are well mannered. Children are very confident and independent. They chat freely to visitors and tell them about what they like to do at the club.
Staff have appropriately high expectations of children. They remind them to say 'please' and 'thank you' and to follow the club rules. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, staff reviewed how they communicated with parents to reduce contact.
For example, they contacted parents through email to keep them up to date about their child's needs.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The new manager is passionate about her role and strives to give children the best of care. She leads her team well with great determination and demonstrates a very good understanding of the early years foundation stage requirements.
The provider and the manager support the well-being and professional development of their staff effectively. They observe the staff interacting with children and suggest how they can improve upon their skills. Staff benefit from individual support, for example helping them to understand the needs of younger children.
This has helped staff to plan activities that are matched to children's capabilities. This all contributes to the managers' accurate oversight of the quality of the club. Staff talk positively about the support they receive from their managers.
Staff provide a range of opportunities for children to learn about the wider world. For example, children recently explored Diwali. They discuss with visitors how they enjoyed craft activities and learning about different cultures and beliefs, which helps to prepare them for life in modern Britain.
Partnerships with the host school are excellent. For example, when required, the provider and manager work closely with the school special educational needs coordinator. They they implement effective strategies for children who need additional support, in conjunction with parents and carers, to help them enjoy all aspects of the club.
This helps staff fully meet all children's individual needs.Children learn about the importance of adopting a healthy diet and the effects this can have on their bodies. Staff teach children about making good food choices and provide healthy snack options, such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and grapes.
Children sit in year groups for their snacks and staff sit with them as they eat, supporting learning and social interaction. Older children spontaneously help younger children to access the snacks and chat to them, taking an interest in their day and what they have done at school.Staff are positive role models and respond promptly to requests from children.
Children's behaviour is a reflection of the care and respect they receive from staff. They listen intently, follow instructions and take pride in themselves and the club.Staff value their good relationship with parents and carers.
Parents are highly complimentary about the club. They comment on how their children love attending and have fun. Parents state that they are very pleased with the wide range of outdoor activities on offer to their children, particularly the new light-up resources which children spend a great deal of time playing with.
Children know and anticipate the daily routines, such as handwashing on entry to the club and before eating snack. This helps them learn what they can do to help prevent the spread of illness and infection.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The provider, manager and staff have an excellent understanding of safeguarding procedures and what to do to help protect children from harm. They use rigorous risk assessments to ensure children's safety and hygiene throughout their time at the club. The provider and manager continually review and update risk assessments effectively to manage any concerns.
Staff deploy themselves effectively to supervise children during their play and to provide them with the support they need. The provider has robust recruitment and induction processes to help ensure the continued suitability of staff. The manager regularly monitors staff practice, and all staff attend supervision meetings and online and on-site training to support their professional development.