Wylye Coyotes Afterschool Club

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About Wylye Coyotes Afterschool Club

Name Wylye Coyotes Afterschool Club
Address Greenlight, Cherry Orchard, Warminster, BA12 0PN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive and immediately immerse themselves into the routine. They hang up their belongings as they enjoy discussions with staff about their day at school.

Children go into the snack room and chat with each other as they wait patiently for staff to get their snacks. Outside, children explore the enriching space. They climb trees and swing on the tyre swing.

Children say, 'I just love coming here.' Younger children confidently join in with the older ones in the mud kitchen. They mix water and mud as they make cakes.

Younger children scoop up bark for the cake topping. Older children show great patience and c...are for the younger ones when welcoming them into their play. Leaders and staff value children's choices and opinions.

For example, children write down what they like about the club or what they would like to see more of, which goes into the 'sweet' or 'sour' box for leaders to review. Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour and use 'golden rules', helping children to understand what is expected of them. Children are very polite and use their manners well.

They show respect towards staff and each other. Staff are excellent role models. They are gentle and caring in their approach towards children.

Children listen attentively and follow instructions well.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders show a strong focus on the well-being of children. They recognise that time spent outside can have a positive impact on children's mental health.

Older children sit in a quieter area outside and chat about their day. Younger children run freely as they try and catch each other. Children form lovely friendships.

Staff promote children's healthy choices and encourage good hygiene practice, such as washing hands before eating. Children enjoy growing various foods, like cucumbers, peas and edible flowers. Leaders have completed training around gardening and have recently started a gardening club for the children.

Recent funding has been used to create a 'growing shed', where they can store resources.Leaders have built strong relationships with staff from the on-site school and also other local schools they collect children from. When staff collect children at the end of the school day, teachers relay any relevant information to pass on to parents.

Leaders deploy staff effectively, providing consistency for children on collection.Leaders and staff work excellently with local businesses to support the community. They have created the 'community fridge' to support families and children take part in local litter picks, helping them to gain an understanding of respect and looking after the environment.

Leaders run a toddler group and welcome families to spend time and access the resources they can offer.Staff report high levels of well-being and leaders place great focus on this. For example, they are working with the local authority to trial a project supporting staff's mental health.

Staff have regular supervisions and have access to training, building their professional development. Leaders have used recent funding to create story bags for children and to lend out into the community. They are regularly enhancing the environment and introducing new ideas to their provision, keeping children motivated and focused.

Leaders ensure the smooth running of the club and children feel safe and secure.Parents report positively and value the flexibility the club offers. They recognise the amount of time children spend outside and say their children thoroughly enjoy attending.

Parents comment on the good information sharing and particularly the good relationships staff have with the schools they collect children from.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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