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About XP Kids Ltd After School Club
XP Kids Ltd After School Club
St. Marks C Of E School, Cold Ash Hill, Cold Ash, Thatcham, Berkshire, RG18 9PT
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy their time at the club. They arrive happily, keen to share their news about their day at school with the attentive staff.
Children show enthusiasm for the activities on offer. They have ample opportunities to practise skills they are learning at school, as well as developing new ones. For example, while some children enjoy listening to stories, others learn about the art of origami.
Children are lively and active, but also well behaved. They are polite and welcoming to visitors and thoroughly enjoy explaining about the fun things they do at the club. For example, children proudly show the handprin...ts they have made and explain how they can write their own names.
Children show they feel safe. They understand and follow the simple rules in place to keep them safe, such as telling staff when they want to go outside to play. There is an inclusive feel to the club.
Children of different ages enjoy playing together. Younger children are confident and happy to play alongside older children.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff include children in the planning and running of the club.
This makes children feel valued and boosts their sense of belonging. Snack times are used to ask children for ideas for future activities. Staff praise children's ideas, such as for a 'smoothie and movie' day.
Children confidently and safely move furniture to help prepare the room for snacks and games.Children enjoy the broad range of activities, that take account of their differing needs. Staff understand that some children will want to play energetically, and others will be tired and want to play quietly.
Staff show interest in children's lives. They celebrate special days with children. For example, children beam as staff and other children sing happy birthday to them.
Staff ask after family members. This good practice helps build trusting relationships and adds to the positive environment.Staff provide snacks that children enjoy.
They offer fruit and other healthy alternatives. However, they also offer some snacks that are higher in sugar and not fully supporting children to make healthy choices about what to eat.Staff keep children safe.
They accurately identify when play is boisterous, but safe, and allow this to continue. They calmly intervene when needed and help children understand how to moderate their enthusiastic play when needed, to keep them and others safe.Children enjoy the company of staff.
They like how staff join in with their play. For example, alongside staff, the children enjoy building giant marble runs.Other children and staff play tennis outside.
This helps children enjoy their play and develop new skills.Children are learning well to be independent. They know where to put their bags and coats on arrival.
They confidently wash their hands and meet their own personal care needs.Partnerships with the host school are strong. This helps ensure good levels of continuity for children's care and learning.
The provider has effective arrangements for the sharing of information. She is well informed about children who may need a little extra support. Staff know what children are learning about at school.
They plan fun activities to build further on this learning at the club. For example, children enjoy a space- themed treasure hunt to complement their topic of 'space' from school.Parents are very happy with the service the club provides.
They find staff approachable. Parents report that their children really enjoy the club and that children are disappointed on days when they will not be going.The provider has created a positive and happy work environment.
Staff enjoy working at the club. They feel valued and appreciated. They receive effective support from the provider.
This helps ensure high standards of care are maintained.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider ensures staff attend suitable safeguarding training.
Staff are clear about their responsibility to keep children safe. They ensure the premises are safe and secure and supervise children closely. Staff are able to identify the signs that a child may be at risk of harm or neglect.
They know how to report these concerns and the importance of doing so promptly, in order to protect children. Staff understand how to report any concerns about colleagues' conduct, should the situation arise. The provider follows effective recruitment procedures to ensure those employed to work with children are suitable to do so.