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22A Clevedon Road, Balsall Heath, BIRMINGHAM, West Midlands, B12 9HD
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children arrive at the nursery happily and are greeted by welcoming and friendly staff. They confidently separate from their parents and quickly settle into the routine. Children readily make choices from a good range of resources and play opportunities.
Staff are kind, caring and responsive to children's individual needs. They take time to get to know children and their parents before they start, which helps new children to feel emotionally secure. Staff act as good role models and are calm and consistent in their approach to managing children's behaviour.
Children's behaviour is good. They are learning the importance... of taking turns and sharing resources. Children play cooperatively with their peers throughout the day.
Staff promote an inclusive and respectful environment. Children who speak English as an additional language make good progress in their language development. Staff ensure they are included and their individual needs are met, and frequently offer bilingual support to children and parents.
Children are inquisitive and like to find out about the natural world around them. They enjoy tending to their vegetable patch in the garden where they are growing pumpkins and tomatoes. Children are learning that seeds need soil, water and sunlight to help them grow.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff have a good understanding of how young children learn and develop. They use effective methods of teaching that help to keep children engaged and motivated in their learning. As a result, children acquire new skills and are well prepared for their next stage of learning, including moving on to school.
Staff work well with other professionals to provide additional one-to-one care for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. They seek support and guidance to provide individual targeted support. This ensures all children make good progress from their starting points.
Parents are very happy with the care and education their children receive. They express how happy and settled their children are. Parents value the progress their children are making.
They feel well informed about their children's time at the nursery.Managers provide staff with ongoing feedback on their current performance. Staff feel supported through regular training opportunities and supervision sessions.
This helps to improve on their current effectiveness and maintain the good-quality teaching within the setting.Staff use frequent praise to reward children for their good behaviours. They help children to explore and understand their emotions.
For instance, children reflect how they are feeling using pictures of different facial expressions to prompt them. Staff encourage them to explain why they may be feeling happy, worried or excited. This helps children learn to manage their own emotions.
Children develop their physical skills well and are learning to keep themselves safe. They successfully take managed risks as they negotiate the climbing frame and navigate wheeled toys around the garden. Children learn the importance of healthy lifestyles.
Staff provide a range of healthy and nutritious fruits and vegetables for the buffet-style snack. Children have opportunities to be physically active during daily exercise sessions.Staff plan appropriate activities and experiences that children enjoy.
However, sometimes, the planned next steps for children's learning are not always challenging enough. This means staff are not able to plan precisely enough to help children make even more progress in their learning.Staff interact with children as they play.
They engage children in frequent conversations and discussions, promoting their communication and language skills. However, sometimes, staff do not always give children enough time to think and respond to the questions that are asked.Managers are ambitious and passionate about providing children with good-quality care and learning experiences.
They strive to continually improve on their practice.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Managers and staff have a thorough knowledge and understanding of child protection procedures.
They are aware of the process to follow should they need to report any concerns to external agencies. Staff can identify the possible signs and symptoms that may indicate a child is at risk of harm. This includes identifying signs that children may be at risk of extreme attitudes.
Staff maintain a safe environment and supervise children well. They ensure parents and visitors are aware of the policies in place to protect children, such as the safe use of mobile phones and the camera policy.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: plan children's next steps for learning even more precisely to ensure they are more specific and challenging, so that children make even better progress support staff to build on their teaching skills so that they consistently give children time to think and respond to questions they are asked.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.