Yesodey Hatorah Primary Girls School

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About Yesodey Hatorah Primary Girls School

Name Yesodey Hatorah Primary Girls School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Yesodey Hatorah School, 153 Stamford Hill, LONDON, N16 5LG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hackney
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is good • Managers and staff have good partnerships with other provisions, such as the host nursery school. These help them to support children in readiness for their future learning. • Managers and staff are passionate about the continual self-reflection and development of the nursery.

They have an agreed vision for the future and are motivated to achieve good outcomes for all children. • Staff have identified effective ways to share information with parents and include them in their children's learning. Parents comment that they have good relationships with their children's key persons and value the work they do to support their children's ongoing development and... individual needs.

• Children form strong attachments to staff and behave well. Children are confident, happy and know how to share. They are respectful and kind to each other.

Staff meet children's and babies' emotional needs well. • Staff help children to learn about diversity and about others within their community. Children learn about people's differences and similarities and how we are all equally valued, for example as they take part in activities and visits to local shops and places of interest.

• Staff do not consistently organise routines and large-group times as efficiently as they could. This means that children sometimes become disengaged from their learning and have to wait for long periods. • Children in the toddler room do not consistently have independent access to a wide range of resources to enhance their play opportunities.

Also at this postcode
Yesodey Hatorah Girls School S Pinter Youth Project Clockhouse Childcare

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