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About Ymca Thames Gateway Mawney After School Club
Ymca Thames Gateway Mawney After School Club
The Mawney School, Mawney Road, Romford, Essex, RM7 7HR
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are happy and excited as they arrive at the club after school.
They know about new routines and boundaries in place due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, and they confidently follow these. For instance, children stay within the areas used by their key-stage groups.Staff act as positive role models for the children.
They attentively listen to the children and encourage them to take turns in speaking. Children are well behaved and polite. Staff have clear expectations about children's behaviour and children know and understand the rules.
They play cooperatively with their peers. Children form close an...d trusting relationships with staff. They confidently share their views and ask for help, when needed.
The children are kind and helpful to others, and they develop strong friendships within their peer groups. Interventions by the senior management team have supported children's well-being and resilience.Parents say that their children thoroughly enjoy their time at the club.
They value the feedback that staff provide about children's daily experiences and appreciate that staff listen to their views.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff have a good knowledge of their key children within their 'bubble' and use this to plan activities the children will enjoy. For instance, children enjoy decorating biscuits; they choose what ingredients to use and proudly show off their biscuits to their friends.
Children are well supported to enjoy healthy lifestyles. They say they like being outdoors in the school playground. Here, they have plenty of space to be active and energetic.
They enjoy playing physical games such as football. However, at times in the hall, the younger children have limited opportunities to take part in active learning due to group restrictions. The manager recognises this and reviews resources and reviews, taking prompt action to maintain children's interest.
This minimises the impact on the children's experiences.Children are offered a variety of freshly prepared snacks at the club after school each day. For example, they make choices from a range of healthy fillings to go in their wraps and there is a range of fresh fruit on offer.
Staff encourage children to be independent, and teach good hygiene practices, such as regular handwashing.Staff support children's communication and language well. They listen to children with interest and engage them in thoughtful conversations.
Children are good communicators and can describe life events in detail. For example, they discuss gemstones and birthday celebrations.Due to COVID-19, parents are unable to enter the out-of-school club provision.
Staff utilise electronic communications to ensure information is shared effectively with parents.Managers use effective safer recruitment processes to ensure all staff are suitable to work with children. Managers hold regular virtual team meetings to develop and discuss key areas of focus with their staff.
The manager and the staff develop strong partnerships with parents. They share what they know about children's needs and work together to help children feel safe and well cared for. However, information shared with the teachers about children's learning is inconsistent.
That said, important welfare information, such as accidents, is shared effectively when staff collect the children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The premises are safe and secure.
When collecting children from school, staff supervise them well. Leaders ensure that all staff undergo robust recruitment checks to ensure that they are suitable to work with children. Staff have a good understanding of how to identify children who may be at risk of harm.
They know what to do if they become concerned about children's welfare or the conduct of a colleague. Staff are aware of issues such as extremism and radicalisation. Detailed policies regarding the safe use of mobile phones are in place and adhered to by all staff.