Young Explorers @ Cobham

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About Young Explorers @ Cobham

Name Young Explorers @ Cobham
Ofsted Inspections
Address St Andrew’s CofE Primary School, Lockhart Road, COBHAM, Surrey, KT11 2AX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are warmly welcomed by staff as they arrive each day. They separate well from carers and eagerly join their friends in their play.

Children enjoy a range of activities and experiences that staff plan for them. For example, they care for live caterpillars and excitedly watch and narrate as the caterpillars emerge from their chrysalises as butterflies. Staff get to know children well and use their knowledge of the children to reflect on their individual interests and next steps in their curriculum.

Children make good progress in their learning and development during their time at the nursery, including those chi...ldren with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), those who speak English as an additional language, and those in receipt of additional funding.Children have good opportunities to be physically active. They have access to a wide range of outdoor spaces that staff utilise well to develop children's physical skills and promote healthy lifestyles.

Staff are kind and caring towards children. They prioritise children's well-being. Children build positive relationships with staff and one another.

They learn to take turns and play collaboratively with their peers. Children behave well, and staff have high expectations for children's behaviour.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff's relationships with parents and other professionals are strong.

Staff work sensitively with children, particularly children with SEND or those who require extra support. Staff provide time for children to safely develop the skills and knowledge needed for their future learning. Leaders and staff establish highly effective relationships with a wide variety of other settings and support agencies.

They support parents with any referrals and put a targeted plan in place to help to close any gaps in learning.Staff provide a wide range of information to parents, both in written form and through discussions. They offer support for the entire family.

Parents state that they appreciate this and acknowledge how this assists children's well-being and development. Staff use the information they gather from parents to adapt their teaching to accommodate children's varying interests and needs.Staff support children's developing language and literacy skills well.

They introduce strategies to support language, ask questions and promote learning. For example, when staff read a story with children, they encourage them to ask questions and have discussions with each other. When playing independently, children follow this example.

They enjoy reading together, ask each other questions, and discuss the story. This demonstrates the positive impact that staff have on children's development.Staff generally promote some opportunities for children to gain independence.

Children put on their own coats and shoes and have a go at fastening the zips on their coats. As a result, children are becoming increasingly independent in these areas. However, staff do not consistently provide opportunities for children to become independent in their personal care routines.

For example, at times, staff wipe children's noses and remove items, such as aprons, without communicating or engaging with children in the process.Children enjoy healthy food and drinks at snack times and mealtimes. For older children, these are opportunities to develop conversation, language and social skills.

However, babies and young children miss out on these opportunities as staff focus on older children as they sit and talk with them.Staff act as good role models for children. They are kind and approachable and provide a calm environment for children.

As a result, children listen well, follow instructions during activities, and are kind and considerate towards each other.Senior leaders reflect on practice and promote opportunities to drive improvement. They prioritise staff's well-being.

As a result, the staff team is happy and motivated. Staff say that the nursery staff feel like a family and they have strong working relationships with each other and leaders. They enjoy regular supervisions and have access to online training to help to support and develop their practice.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nensure that mealtimes are an opportunity for all children to interact with each other and the adults around them strengthen support for children to become more independent in their own care routines.

Also at this postcode
St Andrew’s CofE Primary School Little Acorns Day Nursery

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