Your Co-op Little Pioneers Nursery and Pre-School, Charlton

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About Your Co-op Little Pioneers Nursery and Pre-School, Charlton

Name Your Co-op Little Pioneers Nursery and Pre-School, Charlton
Ofsted Inspections
Address Sherington Children’s Centre, 14 Sherington Road, LONDON, SE7 7JW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Greenwich
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is good • The manager and staff monitor children's achievements closely to track their progress. Staff understand how children learn and develop. They provide a wide range of good-quality resources, toys and activities that engage children and encourage their interests well.

• The manager and staff are committed to providing high-quality care and learning. For example, effective procedures are in place to monitor and evaluate staff practice and the provision to ensure that the nursery is continually improving. Children achieve good outcomes.

• Partnerships with parents and other professionals are good. Together they organised appropriate support for childr...en who require additional help so they catch up quickly. All children make good progress from their individual starting points.

• The key-person system is effective. Children form strong bonds with their key person and other staff. Staff support their key children's emotional well-being effectively, which helps to build their confidence.

Parents speak highly of the nursery and the level of care and support their child receives. • Staff are approachable, welcoming and supportive. They acknowledge children's efforts and encourage good manners.

Children develop positive behaviour. • At times, as children independently access drinks of water, staff do not fully support their understanding of healthy habits and how to follow hygienic routines. • Occasionally, some activities for the older and younger children are not thoroughly thought through and planned to benefit their learning as much as possible.

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