Your Co-op Little Pioneers Nursery and Pre-school Warwick Gates
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About Your Co-op Little Pioneers Nursery and Pre-school Warwick Gates
Your Co-op Little Pioneers Nursery and Pre-school Warwick Gates
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children thrive in this exceptional nursery.
The sensitive induction procedure supports children to develop a strong connection with their key person. Staff gather detailed information from parents when children first start. They use this highly effectively to plan for children's learning and development.
As a result of staff members' skilful planning and creative thinking, children have access to a wide range of experiences that focus sharply on their interests. Children become deeply engaged and involved in these exciting play opportunities. Staff support children to develop their own thoughts and ideas. <>They take a lead from children to plan a range of projects that extend their learning even further.Children delight in exploring the world around them as they play outdoors. Staff support them to develop their knowledge and skills around planting, caring for and harvesting fruit and vegetables.
Children work in partnership with the nursery chef to plan how to prepare and use their harvest in the nursery menu. Children delight in spending time in the allotment garden. They develop their strength and stamina as they help staff with physically demanding tasks, such as pulling up plants at the end of the season.
Children develop their knowledge and understanding of where food comes from. This contributes positively to their awareness of a healthy lifestyle.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have developed an exceptional curriculum.
They empower staff to become involved in professional discussions and decision-making. This develops a clear and cohesive vision across the nursery. Leaders and staff ensure that the ambitious curriculum reflects the interests and learning styles of the children who attend the nursery.
Leaders and staff understand the importance of offering children repeated experiences to practise and refine newly acquired skills. For example, the superb opportunities for babies to make marks with pastel crayons support them to build strength in their large muscles.Babies are exceptionally well supported by staff to develop their communication and language skills.
Staff intuitively respond to children's verbal and nonverbal interactions. They skilfully narrate children's play, enabling babies to make links between their actions and words. For example, when babies are fascinated by bubbles, staff introduce the word 'pop' in response to their play.
Babies laugh as the bubbles burst when they touch them.Staff expertly support young children to develop an understanding of their feelings. For example, they use stories to build children's awareness of emotions.
Staff extend children's learning by creating a den where children can explore their thoughts and feelings. Staff skilfully model the language of emotions through daily routines.Children develop their independence.
Staff adopt an unhurried and patient approach. Young children learn to put their coats on and pour their own drinks competently. Staff ensure that children receive exactly the support they need to develop their confidence and carry out tasks for themselves.
Staff expertly support children to develop their awareness of the natural environment. Together, they work to achieve an eco-friendly award. Children are fascinated by the different types of trees in their local parks.
They work together with staff to produce pictures of leaves in order to help them identify the trees. They delight in looking at this home-made book that is displayed in their eco-friendly zone.Staff create numerous opportunities for children to understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Older children develop a keen awareness of fitness and health. Staff support them to extend their interest. Together, they develop a relaxation and yoga zone.
Children enthusiastically copy the yoga poses that are displayed. They are thrilled to be able to look at themselves in the mirror.Staff provide varied resources to capture children's interest.
This helps to develop their creativity and imagination. For example, children become deeply engrossed outdoors in decorating free-hanging cardboard with paint. They develop exceptional focus as they create individual works of art.
They show extreme pride in their pictures.Staff are excellent role models. They deploy themselves discreetly to ensure high-quality interactions across the nursery.
Children play cooperatively and demonstrate respect for their peers. Even the youngest children learn to take turns, and staff praise their positive behaviour.Leaders say that well-being is at the core of their practice.
Staff are engaged and highly motivated. They say that they are invested in their work and feel supported. Staff share information, activities and ideas so that parents are involved and can support learning at home.
Parents are extremely positive about the service. They feel exceptionally well informed about their children's development and appreciate the detailed feedback they receive daily. Parents state that their children consistently extend their skills and develop a love of learning.
Parents are thrilled that their children are confident and ready for the next stage of their education.All children make exceptional progress over time. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive superb support.
Staff work in close partnership with parents and other professionals to implement successful strategies that support children who need additional help.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.