Zebedee Pre-School

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About Zebedee Pre-School

Name Zebedee Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Shotgate Community Hall, Bruce Grove, WICKFORD, Essex, SS11 8QZ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Essex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children arrive happy and separate well from their parents.

They are at the heart of this inspirational setting. Leaders and staff create a stimulating environment that ignites children's curiosity and interests. Staff encourage children to make informed decisions about what they would like to explore next.

For example, outside, children have an amazing time throwing and catching balls and balancing large hoops. They share resources well, engage effectively with their peers, while displaying high levels of energy and enthusiasm. This helps build on children's gross motor skills and social interactions.

Staff a...nd leaders are very warm and supportive. They have very high expectations of children and they rise to the challenge exceptionally well. Children are positive and independent learners.

For example, as soon as they arrive, children find their name tag and place their belongings in allocated places to support their independence. Children behave well and show high levels of respect towards their peers and staff. They self-serve their snack using appropriate utensils to build on their fine motor skills.

Children form strong relationships with the staff who in turn respond to their needs promptly and with patience and kindness. Staff recognise and value all children's achievements. They offer praise and affirmation to build on their self-esteem, confidence and emotional resilience.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and staff offer a diverse and inclusive practice. They take into consideration children's needs, abilities and interests when planning a wide selection of meaningful activities. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are fully supported in their learning journey by knowledgeable and nurturing staff.

As a result, they make good progress in their learning.Staff are exemplary role models. They have good knowledge and understanding of children's development.

They complete regular observations and progress assessments and identify next steps in children's learning. However, on occasions, some activities are not sufficiently challenging to extend all children's learning and promote their communication and language skills to high levels.Children enjoy singing their favourite nursery rhymes.

Staff encourage them to pick a prop and think of a relevant song. Children sing loudly and with great enthusiasm, following the actions correctly. This helps build on children's expressive arts and design, while supporting their confidence and social interactions.

Staff create fantastic opportunities for children to build on their sense of discovery and exploration. In the garden, children use magnifying glasses to look for bugs and insects. Children are inquisitive and determined to find bugs to then explore their distinctive features.

Furthermore, staff also encourage children to explore a wide variety of herbs and fruits to extend their sensory experience. They smell the lemons, oranges and mint and feel their texture, while using them to create magic potions. This helps further develop children's problem-solving skills, critical thinking and understanding of the world.

Children enjoy exploring play dough to build on their fine motor skills. Staff prompt them to use tools and cutters safely to create their own structures. Children talk about what they are doing and share resources well.

In addition, children use climbing apparatus with great control and confidence to build on their balance and coordination.Leaders have a clear vision for their setting. They reflect on their practice and strive to deliver high-quality care and education.

Leaders have formed positive links with professionals from the local community. They often invite dentists, firefighters and paramedics into their setting to enhance children's experiences and knowledge about people who help us. Leaders appreciate and value staff and create a positive and supportive culture.

Staff receive focused supervisions, appraisals and training opportunities to ensure their knowledge and skills are current. Leaders are passionate and committed to ensuring all children receive the best start to their early education. This is embraced by all staff with motivation and dedication.

Partnerships with parents are effective. They praise the inspirational activities and feel involved in their children's learning. Parents value the progress their children make and appreciate the great level of support received from staff.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: review and adapt the planning and teaching strategies to ensure that all new vocabulary is securely embedded and children benefit from extensive learning opportunities.

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