funtasia Kids Clubs- st Stephens

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About funtasia Kids Clubs- st Stephens

Name funtasia Kids Clubs- st Stephens
Address St. Stephens RC School, Chappell Road, Droylsden, Manchester, Lancashire, M43 7NA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Tameside
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children look forward to attending this club all day. They rush in excited to greet the staff and their peers.

The manager and staff are passionate about their roles. This reflects in their strong, warm, genuine relationships with children. Children feel connected to the staff as is shown through their eagerness to share all aspects of their day.

They wave achievement certificates around in glee, safe in the knowledge that the club staff will be extremely proud of their successes. Children support one another. Older children help their younger peers to complete jigsaw puzzles and try new moves on outdoor climbing equipment....

All children behave impeccably well and show respect and kindness to all. Children have strong voices, they know that their opinions are heard and valued. They have real input into the running of the club.

They offer suggestions and ideas to help form the planning of activities. They rush to share feedback with the inspector, confidently telling her 'This is the best club ever'. All children who speak to the inspector are especially pleased with the fun games and activities on offer, which they thoroughly enjoy.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children's personal development is well supported at this club. Staff provide an array of healthy snacks and hot food for when children arrive after a long school day. Children look forward to this and compliment the variety of foods on offer.

They drink fresh, readily available water before they rush outside to play. They relish the opportunity to access the plentiful resources outdoors and burn off any pent up energy from being in the classroom. This all helps to support their general well-being.

Children enjoy being creative and imaginative at the club. They spend time perfecting painting, colouring pictures for their parents and role playing with dressing-up clothes and miniature worlds. They show real pride in their creations and cannot wait to show them off to whoever collects them at home time.

This especially helps early years children to work on essential skills they are learning in primary school, such as small muscle and writing skills.The manager and staff have developed exceptional working partnerships with the attached primary school. This helps to reinforce the culture of vigilance and awareness created at the club.

Staff are alert to any issues within children's home lives and work in conjunction with the school to meet all children's individual needs. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are holistically supported and thrive in this environment alongside their peers.The manager takes care to evaluate all staff within the club.

She monitors practice and offers targeted plans to help staff to continuously evolve. This helps staff to expand their knowledge and skills and reflects in the high-quality provision for all children. The manager is also evaluated regularly and is keen to continuously expand upon her already impressive abilities.

Parents value the club. They recognise that their children thoroughly enjoy their time here. Parents comment that their children plead to go to the club even on days when parents are not reliant on their services.

They especially appreciate the good organisation and open communication of the club. They comment that their children are 'happy and safe' and 'always smiling'.The management team are an asset.

They have clear drive, ambition and passion for the club and the children who attend. This reflects in the high-quality provision and high levels of children's happiness. All aspects of the provision are well thought out and meaningful.

For example, children are over-joyed to learn about different cultures and countries. They practise words in other languages, such as Spanish, and recreate signature dishes and drinks like charcuterie and sangria. This helps to reinforce children's respect and reverence for all people.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The management team and staff have a sound understanding of their roles and responsibilities in safeguarding children. They recognise the signs and symptoms which may indicate a child is being abused or neglected.

They also know the procedures they must follow should they have concerns about any person working with children Staff are trained in paediatric first aid, which helps equip them with the knowledge of how to respond to accidents. The hall and outdoor areas used are regularly, effectively risk assessed, which helps to ensure that children are not exposed to potential hazards. Combined, this all helps to keep children safe.

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