AIM Academy North London

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About AIM Academy North London

Name AIM Academy North London
Ofsted Inspections
Ms Clare Darley
Address 34 Turin Road, London, N9 8DQ
Phone Number 02084438500
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-19
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 587
Local Authority Enfield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils feel happy and safe here, demonstrating a sense of pride towards their school. Clear and consistent routines ensure pupils behave well and focus on their learning within a calm and purposeful environment.

At social times, pupils show respect to staff and to each other. Pupils are protected from bullying and know staff take any concerns seriously.

The curriculum demonstrates high ambition for all pupils.

Teachers use their expert knowledge of the subjects they teach to design pupils' learning. They have high expectations of all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Teachers encourage pupils to build their vo...cabulary and remember what they learn.

Pupils benefit from daily reading sessions that encourage a love for reading.

The school is ambitious for pupils' futures. Pupils, including students in the sixth form, are encouraged to become 'leaders for tomorrow'.

They enjoy opportunities to develop their character. Pupils take part in careers visits to a university campus and other cultural outings. The school offers a range of extra-curricular activities to pupils.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have identified the key knowledge they want pupils to know and remember. They have thought carefully about the order they teach subject content. For example, in languages, teachers introduce pupils in Year 7 to the present tense.

This includes learning about regular and irregular verbs in the simple and continuous forms. This gives pupils a firm foundation for learning more complex grammatical structures later on.

Teachers help pupils retain important knowledge through revisiting topics and assessing their understanding.

Key concepts built upon with increasing complexity year on year. In history, for example, pupils develop their understanding of analysing source material. This supports older pupils to evaluate the reliability of different sources with confidence.

Much thought has been given to how assessment is used to gauge pupils' knowledge and skills. Leaders identify pupils with SEND accurately. Teachers have the information they need to support the learning of these pupils.

Typically, work is successfully adapted for pupils with SEND, so they can access the same curriculum as their peers.

Pupils have regular opportunities to engage with feedback from their teachers. This helps them to develop their understanding and improve their work.

At times, however, teachers do not systematically check what pupils know before moving on. As a result, some gaps in pupils' knowledge are not swiftly identified and addressed by teachers.Daily reading lessons encourage pupils to read widely and often.

The school identifies pupils who are at the early stages of learning to read. These pupils receive support to help them to develop their reading fluency and comprehension.

The school encourages pupils to express their opinions fluently through class discussions.

For example, Year 10 pupils take part in the Jack Petchey 'Speak Out Challenge' to develop their debating skills. There is a comprehensive careers programme that starts from Year 7. Pupils receive age-appropriate advice and guidance about different future pathways.

Students in the sixth form are well supported in making decisions for the next stage of their education, employment or training.

The school behaviour policy is well understood by pupils, staff and parents. The school rewards pupils when they demonstrate positive behaviour and attendance.

Pupils wear their 'value badges' with pride. Attendance has improved in recent years. Leaders have a range of systems to support pupils to improve their attendance over time.

While most pupils behave well, there are a small minority that are passive and do not consistently access the intended learning during lessons.

Pupils' wider personal development is well considered. For example, pupils are taught to stay safe, including when online.

They have been taught about groups at risk of discrimination and understand that this should be challenged. Students in the sixth form talk confidently about the importance of healthy and respectful relationships. They have an age-appropriate understanding of important issues, such as consent.

Staff understand their role in keeping pupils safe and know what actions to take if they have any concerns. Leaders consider the workload and well-being of staff when making decisions. Leaders have put in place a coaching model, so that teachers can learn from each other's practice.

An experienced governing body provide effective challenge and support to school leaders.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, pupils' understanding is not systematically checked, including for those at the earliest stages of reading and/or with SEND.

This means that some pupils are not able to benefit from the content being taught. The school should ensure that assessment is used consistently well. This will help staff to make appropriate adaptations, so that all pupils are able to access the curriculum.

A small number of pupils take a passive approach to their learning during lessons. As a result, learning time is lost for some pupils. The school should ensure that these pupils are consistently identified and supported to access the intended learning and wider life of the school.

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