Abbey Meads Community Primary School

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About Abbey Meads Community Primary School

Name Abbey Meads Community Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Bob BUCKLEY
Address Hugo Drive, Abbey Meads, Swindon, SN25 4GY
Phone Number 01793723239
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 491
Local Authority Swindon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Abbey Meads Community Primary School provides a high level of care for all pupils. The school is inclusive and welcoming. Staff develop highly respectful relationships with pupils.

Pupils and parents and carers value the strong sense of community the school develops. The headteacher has high ambitions for all pupils. He instils a strong sense of cooperation and teamwork.

There is a culture of high expectations for all.

Pupils' behaviour is impeccable in lessons and around the school. They diligently follow the routines teachers set.

Bullying is very rare. Pupils say that leaders deal with it rapidly and effectively. They feel very happy and safe at t...his school.

Pupils study a well-constructed curriculum. Leaders place a high priority on pupils' academic and character development. Pupils explain how the school's values of respect, responsibility and kindness strengthen everything the school does.

Staff expect pupils to be as independent as they can be. They insist that pupils make the maximum effort in all activities and subjects.

Leaders and staff strive to work effectively with parents and carers.

Parents and carers and staff praise the leadership at the school. Many comment on the sense of nurture and support given to every child.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is carefully crafted and is broad and ambitious.

Knowledgeable subject leaders have set out the essential concepts they expect pupils to learn. There is a clear sequence of learning that runs from early years to Year 6 in all subjects. For example, in mathematics, teachers give pupils work so that new knowledge builds on what has gone before.

Teachers use assessment well to help pupils improve on previous learning before moving on to something new.

Leaders inspire pupils to develop a love of reading. They are determined to ensure that all pupils can read.

The reading areas and library are full of interesting, stimulating books for pupils to enjoy. Through the curriculum, leaders ensure a sharp focus on pupils' language and communication skills. Children in Nursery enjoy listening to and acting out stories.

In Reception Year, well-trained staff guide and support children in developing their spoken language. This continues into key stage 1. Staff provide well-planned, extra support to help pupils who struggle to read.

This helps them to catch up quickly. Teachers read to pupils, which excites their enthusiasm for reading. Older pupils readily share books with their reading buddies.

In key stage 2, pupils enjoy a rich diet of carefully chosen books. This helps pupils to develop vocabulary and fluency, as well as their comprehension skills.

Teachers and leaders assess pupils' understanding regularly.

However, in a few subjects, these checks do not always show how well pupils know and remember what they have learned. As a result, pupils do not have the same depth of knowledge in these subjects as they do in others.

Leaders provide effective additional support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Pupils with SEND benefit from suitable care and support. Teachers quickly get to know pupils' precise needs. They adapt their approach to ensure that pupils with SEND learn well.

Consequently, pupils with SEND successfully learn the same curriculum as their peers.

Leaders and staff have the highest expectations for pupils' conduct. It is excellent.

In early years, children quickly learn to play together and how to share. Pupils know why it is important to do the right thing. Through positions of responsibility, older pupils instil pride in others and in all they do.

They help friends in need and are role models for younger pupils. Their attitudes towards learning are exemplary. Pupils love coming to school and attend well.

The school offers exceptional opportunities beyond the academic. The support for pupils' well-being makes a tangible difference to the school. Leaders develop pupils' understanding of other faiths, cultures and beliefs.

The school council and active ambassadors provide pupils with an extremely strong model of how to act for the good of others. Pupils join many extracurricular clubs. The opportunity to play a musical instrument and take part in sports deepens their cultural development.

The school creates a community of responsible, compassionate young citizens.

Governance and trust leaders hold senior leaders to account effectively. They know what is going well in the school and what needs further improvement.

Together, governors and trust leaders ensure that staff workload is considered, and staff are well looked after. Staff agree that leaders support them to do their job well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders prioritise keeping pupils safe. The procedures for the safe recruitment of staff are thorough. All staff, including governors, receive high-quality training.

Staff are confident to notice and report any signs of concern. This vigilance means that leaders are proactive in seeking the right support for pupils. Leaders act quickly to offer support to families in need of help.

They meticulously record their actions and check that these make a difference.

The curriculum teaches pupils how to keep safe. For example, pupils know the potential risks of social media and the internet.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few subjects, leaders do not have a secure understanding of how well pupils have learned the intended curriculum. This means that, in these subjects, assessment does not precisely identify whether pupils secure the knowledge leaders expect them to. Leaders should use assessment to check what pupils know and remember in their subjects and use this information to prepare them for the next steps in their learning.

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