Abbey School

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About Abbey School

Name Abbey School
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Luci Windle
Address Little Common Lane, Kimberworth, Rotherham, S61 2RA
Phone Number 01709740074
Phase Academy (special)
Type Academy special sponsor led
Age Range 5-19
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 218
Local Authority Rotherham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school The headteacher and senior leadership team have a very clear and bold vision for the future, building on the current high standards of teaching and learning and outcomes for pupils.

Leaders, governors and the trust share an unrelenting and common focus to ensure that every pupil in school achieves their very best. Leaders make very regular checks on the work of staff and pupils' progress. They encourage staff to work in different ways and to think constantly of the best ways to meet the needs of each pupil.

The exceptional curriculum is innovative and inspirational. Meticulously careful planning ensures that the needs of each pupi...l are addressed. Teachers' subject knowledge is strong.

Support staff and teachers work very closely together in each classroom, setting tasks for pupils which inspire and engage them to make rapid progress. Pupils' well-being is at the heart of all that the school does. For example, the school's mindfulness programme makes sure pupils are ready to learn at the start of each school day.

Pupils often see the world differently from others because of, for example, autism or mental health issues. Staff are exceptionally good at understanding this. They put in place a wide range of support to enable pupils to learn strategies to manage their behaviour successfully.

Pupils feel that they could be even fitter if there were more opportunities to exercise at playtime. The highly active school council has recognised this and is wholeheartedly supporting a bid for improvement to outdoor facilities. Leaders are clear about the need for pupils to develop strong spiritual, moral, social and cultural skills and understanding.

While pupils are clear about some of the communities that pupils who attend the school come from, they have less understanding of others outside. The school has recently put in place a post-16 facility on a site in the centre of Rotherham. Students that attend enjoy the freedom and independence the town centre affords them, as well as enjoying learning in a more college-orientated environment.

School leaders recognise that the curriculum in this provision needs further work to ensure that it is as strong as that in the main school. so

Information about this school

Abbey School joined Nexus Multi-Academy Trust on 12 June 2016. When its predecessor school, Abbey School, was last inspected by Ofsted, it was judged to be good overall.

The trust provides leadership and management support, guidance and challenge. The school governors hold leaders to account and are also responsible for the school budget and health and safety matters. The school uses no alternative provision.

All pupils who attend the school have an education, health and care plan for moderate and severe learning difficulties. Some have other associated difficulties such as autism or social, emotional and mental health needs. A high proportion of pupils who attend the school are from White British families.

Other pupils come from families representing a range of other ethnic groups. A large proportion of pupils are from a disadvantaged background. Pupils who attend the school come not only from Rotherham but several other local authorities including Sheffield and Nottingham.

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