Abbey Village Primary School

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About Abbey Village Primary School

Name Abbey Village Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Shelley Bennett
Address Bolton Road, Abbey Village, Chorley, PR6 8DD
Phone Number 01254830489
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 51
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school? '

Together we achieve' is the vision that pupils, and staff, strive to realise at this friendly school. Pupils are keen to meet the high expectations that the school has for their achievement. Many pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve well.

Pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their education.

Pupils understand that many different types of people make up modern-day Britain. They assert the importance of treating others with respect, regardless of their differences.

This helps to create a school where pupils are happy, and they feel valued.

Pupils are keen to follow staff's instructions. T...hey behave well.

Those pupils who need extra help in managing their emotions receive effective support from caring and nurturing staff.

During their time at school, pupils develop a deep understanding of different cultures and communities, for instance through the links that the school has with other primary schools in different locations.

Pupils benefit from opportunities to take on various responsibilities in school, including acting as reading buddies for younger pupils, class monitors or members of the school council.

These experiences show pupils what it means to be a positive member of the school community.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has ensured that the curriculum is ambitious for pupils, including those with SEND. In most subjects, the key knowledge that pupils should acquire is carefully organised from the early years to Year 6.

The curriculum is arranged well so that it meets the needs of pupils in the mixed-age classes across the school.

In a small number of subjects, the school has not set out all of the important knowledge that pupils should learn. In these subjects, there remain some specific areas where the school's curricular thinking is less clear.

Very occasionally, this hinders teachers from designing learning that helps pupils to learn as deeply as they could. From time to time, this limits some pupils' understanding of larger concepts.

Staff receive suitable training that helps them to deliver the curriculum well.

In the majority of subjects, where the curriculum is designed well, the learning that pupils experience helps them to build a secure body of subject knowledge. Staff check on what pupils know and remember from previous learning and they address any important gaps in knowledge before introducing new concepts. This includes for pupils with SEND.

The school identifies the additional needs of these pupils quickly and accurately. Staff provide carefully considered support and resources, which help pupils with SEND to fully access the curriculum and to progress well through it. In the main, pupils leave Year 6 ready for the demands of secondary school.

The school prioritises the teaching of early reading. Well-trained staff teach the phonics programme consistently well. Pupils quickly learn the sounds that letters represent.

Those pupils who need extra support receive it promptly. This helps these pupils to keep up with their classmates. Pupils read books that are very well matched to the sounds that they have learned.

Staff help pupils to understand new and interesting words that they read in books. Many pupils become fluent and confident readers by the end of key stage 1.

Developing a love of books begins in the early years.

Children know and enjoy many stories, rhymes and songs. They learn about reading through the well-chosen books that staff share with them. Older pupils understand that being well read helps them to broaden their knowledge and to improve their own writing.

The school ensures that reading sits at the heart of the curriculum.

Children in the early years follow well-established routines. They learn cooperatively alongside one another and they are keen to help at tidy-up time.

Across the school, pupils do their best to treat others in the same way that they would like to be treated themselves. On the rare occasions that a pupil's behaviour falls below the expectations of the school, timely support is put in place. This helps to stop any repeat behaviours in the future.

Many pupils attend school regularly. The school quickly identifies and supports those families where a pupil is at risk of missing too much learning. The actions taken by the school have worked well to improve and maintain strong rates of attendance.

Pupils experience an extensive range of opportunities that enhance their personal development. They have a detailed understanding of fundamental British values. Pupils learn what constitutes a healthy relationship and what they can do to keep themselves safe online.

They benefit from a range of visits. These include places of local historical significance, museums and the opera.

Governors work in close collaboration with the school to ensure continuous improvement.

Governors have a strong focus on the quality of education provided by the school. The school is highly considerate of staff's workload and well-being. This includes staff receiving the training that they need to carry out their roles effectively.

Parents and carers highlighted how their children run into school each morning, full of enthusiasm to learn. Parents were very appreciative of what the school achieves for their children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a small number of subjects, the school has not identified all of the key knowledge that pupils should learn. Very occasionally, this hinders teachers from designing learning that helps pupils to build up a deep body of knowledge. The school should ensure that it finalise its curriculum thinking in these subjects, so that it is clear what pupils should learn and when this knowledge should be taught.

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