Abersychan Comprehensive School

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About Abersychan Comprehensive School

Name Abersychan Comprehensive School
Address Incline Road, Abersychan, NP4 7DF
Phone Number 01495773068
Phase Secondary (ages 11-16)
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 759 (52.4% boys 47.6% girls)
Number of Pupils per Teacher 15.9
Local Authority Torfaen
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Abersychan Comprehensive School is an English-medium 11-16 co-educational school in Torfaen. There are 866 pupils on roll compared with 935 when the school was last inspected in 2009.

Around 25% of pupils are eligible for free school meals compared with the Welsh average of 17.1% for secondary schools. Nearly all pupils come from homes where English is the main language.

Very few pupils say they speak Welsh at home. The proportion of pupils who come from ethnic minority groups is around 1%. Very few pupils have English as an additional language.

The school's intake represents the full range of ability. Approximately 36% of pupils are identified on the special educational needs register. This is significantly highe...r than the national average of 25.

1%. Just less than 3% of pupils have statements of special educational needs, which is similar to the average for Wales as a whole of 2.4%.

The school houses a special needs resource base local authority provision for learners with moderate learning difficulties; this currently has 30 pupils across two key stages, 19 of whom have statements. The current headteacher came into post in September 2015. The senior leadership team is comprised of one deputy, four assistant headteachers and a business manager.

The individual school budget per pupil for Abersychan Comprehensive in 2016-2017 means that the budget is £4,765 per pupil. The maximum per pupil in the secondary schools in Torfaen is £4,765 and the minimum is £4,028. Abersychan Comprehensive is first out of the six secondary schools in Torfaen in terms of its school budget per pupil.

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