Adderlane Academy

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About Adderlane Academy

Name Adderlane Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Emma Potts
Address Broomhill Road, Prudhoe, NE42 5HX
Phone Number 01661833996
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 2-9
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 99
Local Authority Northumberland
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils feel safe and welcome in this small school. They say that kind, friendly staff look after them well. Inspectors agree.

Pupils and staff are cheerful. They listen respectfully and politely to each other. All are quick to offer a please, hello or thank you, including to visitors.

Pupils behave well. They follow the 'calm code' sensibly indoors and outside. Some pupils are play leaders.

They say that behaviour has improved at breaktimes because everyone has fun things to do. Bullying is rare. Pupils use 'worry' or 'bully' boxes to share any concerns they may have.

Adults respond and help pupils promptly when issues are raised.

Teachers m...ake learning enjoyable. Pupils' good attendance shows how much they relish school.

Pupils say they like reading, mathematics, science, history and other subjects. Leaders know that some subjects, such as art and computing, need more attention. They are refining the planning of such subjects so that pupils get an even better deal.

Parents are full of praise. All who responded to Ofsted's survey would recommend the school to others. They describe staff as 'genuinely caring', 'supportive' and 'willing to listen'.

Parents are confident that their children succeed here. Some feel sure that children 'achieve to the best of their ability' and are 'encouraged to be the best version' of themselves. Inspectors agree that pupils achieve well in their time at this school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are determined that pupils will succeed. They offer the correct balance of support and challenge for all. Disadvantaged pupils and those pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) achieve well.

Many children enter school with little knowledge of sounds, letters or numbers. Speech and communication difficulties are common. From the very start, staff work with outside experts to support children.

They make sure that those who need to catch up quickly.

Teachers prioritise early reading and mathematics. Children read, write and work with numbers each day.

Staff are skilled in teaching phonics. Well-thumbed books are everywhere. Number, rhyme and story times are frequent.

Cosy reading dens and mathematics activities are enticing. In Reception, children learn to form letter and number shapes legibly right from the start. They spell and write common words and simple sentences correctly.

Children count and use mathematical language with improving confidence. They are well prepared for Year 1.

Leaders identify precisely what pupils need to know to be successful in later life.

They understand the importance of English and mathematics for all. In all classes, teachers read stories to excite pupils' interests in books. Pupils develop a love of reading.

Any who fall behind catch up quickly. Staff make sure that pupils know number facts, including multiplication tables, by heart. Pupils use their number knowledge to solve increasingly tricky mathematical problems.

Pupils do as well as others nationally in statutory English and mathematics assessments year-on-year.

A small proportion of pupils say they do not read much with adults in school. Some of these pupils are confident 'free-readers'.

They feel they do not need to read aloud because they already know how. This means they do not get the practice and discussion with expert adults that they need.

Pupils talk about their learning in subjects beyond English and mathematics confidently.

In subjects like science, they build on their knowledge, skills and understanding effectively. Year 2 pupils know what plants need in order to flourish and grow. Later, they use this knowledge to explore different soil and rock types.

Year 3 pupils can explain which samples are permeable, which are impermeable, and why. Pupils know and remember more as they move from one year to the next.

Leaders know that some subjects, like art and computing, need more work.

The knowledge and content that pupils should learn are not defined clearly enough. Senior leaders are already acting to make improvements. The vocabulary that pupils need to learn and remember has been carefully mapped out.

Subject leaders are honing their planning and sequencing of each subject. Pupils say they enjoy all subjects. Displays and work in pupils' books show that they experience a good deal of success across the primary curriculum.

Pupils' personal, social and emotional development is a strength of the school. Staff build strong partnerships with external agencies. They are quick to seek the right support.

The needs of pupils and families who may be vulnerable are identified and managed well.

Staff expect pupils to work hard. Pupils' books show that they take real pride in their work.

Good presentation is evident in all subjects and year groups. Pupils' attitudes are positive.

The headteacher is well supported by multi-academy trust partners.

High-quality training opportunities for staff and advice for curriculum leaders are put in place in a timely manner. The chief executive officer (CEO) and the local governing body visit the school regularly to maintain oversight of the school's performance. They know for themselves what is working well and what needs to sharpen.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff and governors attend child protection and safeguarding training regularly. They understand local and national risks for pupils, including those posed by 'county lines'.

Staff know the signs to look out for of potential abuse or harm. They are suitably vigilant. Staff know how to report any concerns they may have.

Records show that leaders take prompt action when concerns are raised. Logs are suitably well detailed. Appropriate joint-working with other professionals takes place when needed.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

Leaders are making sure that all subjects have well-detailed, long-term plans in place. They have carefully selected the vocabulary that pupils need to know and remember from the early years through each year group and subject. However, the essential subject-specific knowledge that pupils need to know and remember in some subjects, such as art and computing, is too vague.

Leaders should ensure that the essential knowledge for each subject is comprehensive, stated clearly and carefully sequenced so that pupils' learning builds on what they have been taught previously. . Senior leaders make reading a priority.

Teachers understand the importance of reading for pupils' future success. Nevertheless, some pupils feel that they do not read frequently with staff. Leaders need to make sure that all pupils, regardless of their reading ability, are given regular opportunities to read with adults in school so that they develop their accuracy and fluency even further.

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