Admiral Long Church of England Primary School

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About Admiral Long Church of England Primary School

Name Admiral Long Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Zoe Ellis
Address Admirals Way, Burnt Yates, Harrogate, HG3 3EJ
Phone Number 01423222388
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 42
Local Authority North Yorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders are ambitious for this small school.

They have high expectations for what pupils should achieve. They have carefully considered their community and what the pupils need to be successful when designing their curriculum. Pupils are very positive about their learning.

They want to do well and try hard in all lessons.

Admiral Long Church of England Primary School does not just focus on academic outcomes. Pupils experience a range of sporting and cultural events to enhance their learning.

Leaders want their pupils to grow into well-rounded young people, ready to take their place in the world. The school curriculum, enrichment experiences and the w...ider opportunities on offer have been designed to achieve this.

Pupils say that behaviour is good and that bullying does not happen.

If bullying were to happen, pupils know what to do. Inspectors saw calm behaviour in classes and when pupils were together in assembly. This continued at playtime.

Pupils also say they feel very safe at school. Inspectors agree.

Parents and staff are overwhelmingly positive about the school.

All parents who completed Ofsted's survey, and those spoken with during the inspection, would recommend the school. They are proud that their children attend the school. Parents are full of praise for leaders and staff at the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have put an effective curriculum in place. Pupils experience a broad and balanced range of subjects. Leaders have carefully thought through their curriculum.

It is well organised, so that teachers follow a logically sequenced series of lessons.

Leaders have developed the curriculum in the best interests of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Leaders knew that they needed to improve reading outcomes at the end of key stage 2 in 2019.

As a result, a new phonics scheme and reading curriculum were introduced. These are having a positive impact. More pupils are reading fluently and enjoying the new books available to them.

Reading is given high priority. Children start learning letter sounds as soon as they start school. Well-trained staff have the skills to teach phonics consistently.

In Reception and Year 1, adults build pupils' knowledge of sounds over time. When pupils fall behind, adults spot this quickly and support them to catch up. The books pupils read are matched to the sounds they know.

This means they are confident and motivated readers. Older pupils talk about stories they have listened to and authors they know. They like their new school library.

It is attractive and well organised.

The mathematics curriculum is ambitious. It is coherently sequenced and has made clear the important information pupils need to learn.

Teachers build upon this in later years. Pupils talk confidently about their learning in mathematics. Pupils demonstrate a wide range of mathematical knowledge and competence from an early age.

Sometimes, however, mathematics taught in early years is not broken down into small enough steps to support the youngest children at their early stages of number recall. Teachers use rapid recalls which help pupils remember knowledge taught previously. Pupils then use this knowledge with their work.

Overall, the curriculum is well planned. For example, in religious education (RE), geography and history, revised curriculums have been introduced. They are organised to help pupils build up their understanding and awareness in order to inspire a curiosity and fascination about the world.

As a result, pupils have started to make links between the differences and similarities of the world religions in RE. The revised early years curriculum is not always closely linked to the whole-school curriculum. Leaders know this, and work is well underway to address it.

Children in the early years enjoy learning in a welcoming and attractive space indoors that prioritises all areas of learning, including physical development and communication and language. However, this is not the case outdoors. Consequently, children are unable to enjoy extending their play and learning outside.

There is a lack of activities and resources for them to use. The space does not support the delivery of the early years curriculum. Leaders know this area requires development and have plans in place for this.

Children are curious learners. They enjoy the activities that adults plan for them with the resources available. Staff develop children's knowledge, understanding and skills well.

While playing, children develop their personal and social skills as well as their ability to read, write and count. This makes learning fun for all.

Pupils with SEND are well supported by staff.

Pupils' needs are identified early and specific actions are agreed to help pupils progress. Many parents of pupils with SEND are very grateful for the work the school does. The support is well planned and managed.

However, for a small number of pupils, these specific actions are not always carried out as often as planned.

Behaviour throughout the school is strong. In the early years, the children are calm, cooperative and considerate.

They are quickly learning how to get on with other children. Across the school, low-level disruption is rare and dealt with effectively. Bullying is not tolerated.

All of the pupils who spoke to inspectors said that they knew how to report bullying. They were confident that adults would help them if they reported bullying concerns.

Pupils are proud to contribute to school life.

They support each other through the jobs they do, for example as rural ambassadors. Collective acts of worship and support for mental health and well-being also ensure that pupils are well cared for. Before COVID-19, leaders offered a wide range of after-school opportunities.

Parents and pupils want to see these return to the levels on offer before COVID-19.

Leaders, including governors, have been clear in their ambition for the school. This determination has been instrumental in the improvements seen since the last inspection.

Subject leadership has been significantly developed, working with leaders of their partner school. Some leaders recognise there is more work to do to develop their plans and actions for improvement.

Governors know the school well and hold leaders to account effectively.

They make their own professional development, and that of the staff, a priority. Regular checks on staff workload and well-being are made by leaders.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Safeguarding is a key priority for all staff. Leaders ensure that staff have had all the necessary training that they need. Staff are vigilant to risks that affect pupils.

This includes staff knowing the specific risks in the local area, for example county lines.

Staff quickly identify pupils who may be at risk and take appropriate action when required. Leaders follow up safeguarding issues appropriately.

They work very well with external agencies and families to support pupils who need help.

Pupils are taught to keep safe in a range of situations, including when using the internet or social media. The school holds events to inform pupils of these risks and of how to manage them.

This includes workshops with the local police. Parents receive monthly newsletters that provide links to appropriate websites or organisations. This information helps parents keep their children safe at home.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Leaders do not check that targets for children with SEND are consistently implemented. This means that some pupils with SEND do not always receive the appropriate support to access the curriculum as planned. Leaders should ensure that pupils with SEND receive the support they need.

Leaders have not provided the necessary activities and resources outdoors to support the delivery of the curriculum in early years. Activities are effective in keeping children busy, but many lack a clear purpose or provide learning that challenges children's thinking, exploration and discovery. Leaders need to develop the early years in order to support children to develop their curiosity, concentration and enjoyment.

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