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About Al-Noor Voluntary Aided Muslim Primary School
Leaders have high aspirations for all pupils. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), succeed here.
Leaders and staff provide a high level of nurture in this safe and caring school. Leaders' determination to promote the school's ethos is shared by pupils, who feel valued and happy, and are safe.
Pupils celebrate diversity.
They understand the importance of accepting others for who they are. Pupils relish the chance to take on leadership responsibilities, such as peer mentors. They care for and look after each other.
Their behaviour is exemplary. As soon as children start in Reception Year, staff encourage th...em to follow the rules and routines. Bullying is rare and members of staff deal with any concerns quickly.
Leaders ensure that pupils have many opportunities to develop their character and wider interests and talents, for example through choir and sports clubs. Visits to cultural settings in the locality, including parks, museums and places of worship, help enrich pupils' learning. Pupils learn about helping others by holding fund raising events for charities.
Most parents and carers are highly complimentary about the school, particularly leaders' inclusive approach.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum to help pupils and children to succeed both academically and personally. Leaders have thought carefully about what they want pupils to have learned over time.
In the early years, staff ensure that children develop exceptionally well across all areas of learning.
Leaders have designed the curriculum so that new learning builds, step by step, on what pupils already know. Teachers ensure that they provide regular opportunities for pupils to recall earlier learning.
Pupils develop their knowledge and understanding well. For example, in mathematics, Year 5 pupils recalled multiplication facts with ease while solving problems.
Teachers have a strong knowledge of the subjects that they deliver.
For the most part, they use this knowledge to deliver content to pupils with clarity. Staff check regularly how well pupils remember prior learning. Sometimes, teachers do not ensure that they check precisely that pupils, including those with SEND, fully understand prior content before they are introduced to more complex tasks.
This limits these pupils' deeper subject-specific knowledge. In early years, staff are highly skilled and build carefully on children's previous learning. They support children's communication and language development exceptionally well.
Pupils enjoy coming to school. They arrive on time and attend regularly. Teachers encourage pupils to try their best.
Learning is rarely disrupted by poor behaviour. In early years, staff encourage children to use a wide range of resources and equipment sensibly.
Leaders make reading a priority for everyone.
Pupils become accurate and fluent readers who read widely. Staff celebrate the joy of reading through assemblies and other events. In early years, children delight in listening to stories and sharing books with staff.
Children become familiar with phonics sounds as soon as they start Reception. Pupils speak enthusiastically about their favourite books and authors. Staff are trained well and are knowledgeable to teach phonics.
The books that pupils read match the sounds that they are learning in class. This helps pupils to become confident readers quickly. Teachers are quick to spot if pupils struggle with reading.
Staff provide extra help for these pupils so that they can catch up quickly.
Skilled staff work closely with parents and other professionals to identify the needs of pupils with SEND accurately. They provide appropriate support to help these pupils learn well.
Teachers adapt their approaches, so that pupils with SEND access the same curriculum as others. Leaders ensure that pupils with SEND join in fully with the wide range of opportunities that the school has to offer.
Teachers encourage pupils to develop a respect for people's differences.
Pupils are taught about different faiths and cultures. They take their responsibilities as school councillors and 'pupil leaders' very seriously. Older pupils understand the importance of being role models for younger pupils.
Members of the governing body are knowledgeable about their roles. They are well informed about leaders' work and hold them to account effectively. Staff said that they are proud to be part of the school.
They feel valued and well supported by leaders to manage their workload.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders make sure that all staff are kept up to date with the latest safeguarding training.
Leaders and staff know pupils and their families well. This helps them to be vigilant about pupils' well-being and safety. Leaders act on any safeguarding concerns quickly and diligently.
They work effectively with external agencies to secure appropriate and timely support for pupils and their families.
Leaders and the governing body make sure that the curriculum helps pupils to learn about how to keep themselves safe. For instance, pupils are taught about how to recognise potential risks when online.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Sometimes, teaching does not check that pupils, including those with SEND, understand prior content in depth before more complex concepts are introduced. As a result, these pupils do not develop their subject-specific knowledge as well as they could. Leaders should ensure that all teaching checks for pupils' understanding with precision.