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Pupils are committed to being an 'Albany all-star'.
It is part of their school's values of being safe, happy, kind, proud, polite and respectful. These values underpin school life. Parents and carers have a positive view of the school.
As one parent said, 'fantastic school, caring and supportive'.
Pupils behave well. They feel safe at school.
Incidents of poor behaviour are few, minor in nature and quickly resolved. On the rare occasion pupils need help to manage their behaviour, tailored support is put in place. Pupils know what bullying is.
They know that trusted adults in school will help them should they have any worries. Thus, instances... of bullying are very rare.
The school's curriculum provides pupils with experiences that will help them understand their local community, such as visiting the theatre.
Pupils enjoy sharing the vast array of books in school. In assembly, they listen carefully to the stories that adults share and consider how the way a character reacts to a situation in a story might help them do the right thing if they were in a similar situation.
Children in the early years have opportunities to develop their early communication, language and social skills well because adults have created a purposeful environment indoors.
However, this is not as well developed when children are learning outdoors.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have identified the essential knowledge and skills that they want pupils to learn. This is enhanced with a variety of experiences, trips and opportunities for pupils.
Leaders are ambitious for all pupils and want to ensure that they are well prepared to play a part in their local community and for life in modern Britain. Leaders have prioritised Year 2 pupils learning to swim and others learning how to administer first aid. Leaders are making checks to ensure that all curriculum subjects are helping pupils in mixed-aged classes remember the key knowledge that they have identified.
The newly developed indoor areas in the early years have created a calm space for children to learn. Children in the nursery learn to take turns and share. Adults expertly engage children in early language development.
For example, adults model how to have a conversation on the telephone and children in the Reception Year discuss who lives in their house. However, when children are outdoors, their learning slows because leaders have not considered carefully enough how the outdoor activities will develop children's learning.
Leaders and teachers promote a love of reading.
They have developed the school's library. Regular school visits into the community have ensured that most pupils are now members of the local public library. Teachers use books to help pupils know more of the school's curriculum.
For example, pupils learn about themselves, their families and about diversity through a range of fiction and non-fiction books. Adults help children to learn the meaning of new words through literature.
The school's early reading programme is well developed.
Pupils who need additional help to keep up with the programme are provided with the support they need. Teachers ensure that pupils receive books that are well matched to their reading development.
The provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is well considered.
Teachers check what pupils can remember. They adapt the curriculum to help pupils with SEND to keep up with their peers and to make progress.
Leaders have rightly prioritised improving pupils' attendance and punctuality.
They want all their pupils to be in school so that they can learn. They provide support to families who do not send their child to school every day. This has made a difference.
Governors continue to challenge leaders' response towards pupils that are persistently absent.
Leaders and staff promote pupils' broader development well. They work with the local junior school to ensure that families who have children in both schools are able to attend after-school clubs.
Pupils have opportunities to grow their own vegetables and visit the local allotments. At playtimes, pupils enjoy eating their daily snack and understand the importance of putting their rubbish in the bin.
Staff say that they work well together because they are a 'supportive' team.
They appreciate leaders' actions to reduce their workload. Leaders are considerate of staff well-being.
Governors have made sure that leaders have had the right support to make the school a better place to learn.
Those responsible for governance provide effective support and challenge for the school. They fulfil their statutory duties diligently.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders take checks on pupils' well-being and safety seriously. Staff are vigilant. They know how to report concerns because leaders have ensured that they have knowledge and expertise to report any concerns.
Governors review the school's safeguarding work regularly.
Senior leaders maintain a clear oversight of the arrangements for safeguarding. They ensure that they understand children's wide-ranging needs and those of families who may be in need.
They ensure that the right external support is sought when needed.
Pupils learn how to manage the kinds of risks they may encounter online through the curriculum, stories and assemblies.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Some leaders are new to the role of subject leadership.
They do not have the necessary knowledge to support teachers with the delivery of subject curriculums. They have not made sufficient checks to ensure that the school's curriculum is consistently well enough implemented. Subject leaders must have the appropriate support, knowledge and expertise so that they fulfil their roles effectively.
• Leaders have not carefully considered what pupils in the early years will know and remember when they access the learning outdoors. This hinders children developing their knowledge and understanding of the early years areas for learning. Leaders must ensure that all adults have high expectations of what children can learn and achieve while they are in the outdoor area.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.