Albert C.P. School

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About Albert C.P. School

Name Albert C.P. School
Address Albert Road, Penarth, CF64 1BX
Phone Number 02920707682
Phase Nursery, Infants & Juniors
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 441 (51.9% boys 48.1% girls)
Number of Pupils per Teacher 22.4
Local Authority The Vale of Glamorgan
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Albert Primary School is a warm and caring school, where staff place a high priority on the well-being of its pupils. This has resulted in pupils who are happy to attend school and enjoy participating in their learning and the life of the school.

Most pupils' behaviour is good. They have good relationships with each other and their teachers. During their time at the school, most pupils make good progress in their learning from their individual starting points, including those pupils with additional learning needs (ALN).

Most pupils develop strong oracy, reading and writing skills. Across the school, the development of pupils' writing skills is a strength of the school. Most pupils develop a sound competency in their mathem...atical skills and transfer this knowledge to other areas of the curriculum.

Most pupils develop appropriate Welsh language skills during their time at the school. Across the school however, teachers do not provide pupils with sufficient opportunities for them to develop their independent, problem-solving, thinking and creative skills well enough in lessons and activities. Leaders and teachers are beginning to design a curriculum that reflects the principles of the Curriculum for Wales.

They use termly immersion days to ignite pupils' interests in their thematic work and allow opportunities for them to contribute to what they would like to learn. However, teachers do not consider well enough the local context of the school and its community or pay appropriate attention of the pupils' interests and fascinations in their curriculum planning. Leaders have developed a clear vision for the school, which highly values pupils' well-being.

Leaders work with the governing body on delivering the national priorities within the school, for example the roll out of ALN reform successfully. However, leaders have not considered well enough how teaching and learning reflects the philosophy of the Curriculum for Wales within the school. In addition, leaders do not involve governors and staff regularly enough in their self-evaluation processes.

Recommendations R1 Improve teaching to ensure that all pupils develop strong independent, critical, creative, and problem-solving skills R2 Develop the school curriculum to include relevant and authentic learning experiences that meet the needs of learners R3 Strengthen self-evaluation processes and include staff and governors

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