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Aldermoor Farm Primary School is a happy, vibrant and inclusive school, which pupils are proud to attend.
Pupils are welcoming to all.
They celebrate and understand difference. They say that 'We can't all be the same, or it would be boring'. Pupils apply and are interviewed for leadership roles.
For example, pupils can apply to be 'digi-leaders' or librarians.
Pupils understand and model the school's values, 'resilient, aspirational and courageous'. They say that being resilient means 'bouncing back and not giving up'.
Pupils behave well in lessons and around school. They thrive on the established routines and expectations, including at more... social times of the day.
Pupils enjoy the range of clubs and trips on offer.
For example, some pupils enjoyed a recent visit to a space centre, while others are looking forward to their residential trip. They also benefit from learning about how to keep themselves safe, such as learning about knife crime.
Leaders want the very best for every pupil.
They are building a staff team that shares this vision. Pupils live up to the high expectations and have aspirations for their futures beyond school.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
New leaders have focused on raising expectations and improving the curriculum.
They are quickly addressing the issues that contributed to the published outcomes in 2022, which indicated that attainment at the end of key stage 1 and 2 was below average, particularly in reading and writing.
For example, leaders have successfully refreshed the teaching of phonics. As soon as children start school, in early years, they begin learning to read.
Regular checks on pupils' reading ensure that pupils in danger of falling behind are quickly identified. Extra support is effective in helping pupils to keep up. Pupils read books that help them to practise the sounds they have learned.
They are supported by knowledgeable staff.
The work of leaders to overhaul the other areas of the curriculum is also well under way. For example, in mathematics, leaders have ensured that staff have been trained to follow a consistent approach.
In most subjects, 'subject champions' and senior leaders have identified precisely what pupils are to learn and when they will learn it. As such, teachers ensure that pupils are building on what they learn over time. Within lessons, teachers also plan opportunities for pupils to recall prior learning.
For example, in science, pupils in Year 4 learn the basics of electricity and conductive materials. Pupils in Year 6 build on this when finding out about changing voltages in circuits.In a small number of subjects, the curriculum is at an earlier stage of development.
This means that leaders' intentions are not yet always consistently implemented. Leaders are now turning their attention to these subjects.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are quickly identified and supported effectively.
Leaders have reviewed how this support is organised and are introducing improved systems. These ensure that all staff have the right information to help pupils with SEND follow the same curriculum as their peers. Pupils who learn in the specialist resource base benefit from bespoke teaching that is closely matched to their needs.
The indoor and outdoor areas have been developed and enable all the children in the Nursery and Reception classes to access a wide range of materials and resources to support their social interactions and learning. Activities stimulate their interests, such as observing snails, hammering in the woodwork station or following recipes in the 'mud kitchen'. Adults model appropriate behaviour well.
This helps children to be polite to their friends. However, some adults occasionally miss some opportunities to develop and enrich children's language and vocabulary.
Pupils thrive on the routines leaders have established.
In breakfast club and around school, pupils follow routines well. In lessons, most pupils listen carefully and respond well to instructions from adults, so learning time is rarely lost. Staff and pupils understand the new system to help pupils behave well.
However, leaders have not yet collected the right information to help them understand and tackle any patterns of unsuitable behaviour for the small number of pupils who sometimes do not behave as well they should.
Leaders are working hard to improve pupils' attendance and punctuality. They are working with parents to make sure that the importance of attending every day and on time is understood.
However, leaders do not yet use the information they have about attendance to precisely identify how they can secure further improvements.
Pupils are being well prepared for life beyond primary school. From visits to the local church to learning first aid, leaders have carefully planned a range of opportunities for all.
They plan to extend opportunities even further. Pupils spoken to have aspirations, including exciting plans for future careers. Clubs and other experiences broaden pupils' interests.
Pupils also relish having a voice in school life by, for example, requesting specific clubs and events.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders are acutely aware of potential risks to pupils and families.
They ensure that pupils are taught about how to keep themselves safe and healthy, including when online.
Leaders make certain that all staff receive regular safeguarding training. Staff know and use the processes in place to quickly raise any worries they have.
Leaders take prompt action when concerns are reported, including by seeking external support, when needed. They are not afraid to challenge external support, where necessary, to ensure that pupils are kept safe.
Leaders and governors make sure that all the relevant checks are carried out on adults who work in school.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In a small number of subjects, leaders' intentions for the curriculum are not yet implemented consistently well. This means that pupils sometimes develop gaps in their learning. Leaders should ensure that they continue with their curriculum improvements and checks so that the curriculum is implemented consistently well in all subjects.
• In the early years, occasionally, opportunities to develop children's language and vocabulary are missed. This means that a few children do not build on their communication skills as quickly as they should. Leaders should make sure that all staff in the early years know how to support children to develop their language and vocabulary effectively.
• Leaders do not always focus on collecting the right information to help them continue to improve both attendance and behaviour. As a result, they do not always quickly identify trends to help them identify how to move forward. Leaders should ensure that they collect and analyse the right information in order to decide what to do next.