Aldersbrook Primary School

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About Aldersbrook Primary School

Name Aldersbrook Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Julie Crouch
Address Harpenden Road, Wanstead, London, E12 5HL
Phone Number 02089890210
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 675
Local Authority Redbridge
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a school where pupils learn to be curious and confident.

Pupils flourish here because they benefit from a nurturing environment. This helps pupils to feel happy. Pupils are confident in explaining the use of the class 'chatterboxes'.

They know that staff will quickly address any worries they may have.Pupils' behaviour across the school is exemplary. This is because the school instils the importance of being 'ready' and 'respectful'.

Pupils collaborate extremely well with their peers. In the early years, routines are firmly established. Children follow these routines to independently select the resources they will need to be successful in their learnin...g.

There is an expectation across the school that all pupils will achieve highly. Pupils work hard to reach these expectations. Provisional end of year outcomes for Year 6 in 2024 confirm that a high proportion of pupils reached the expected standards in reading, writing and mathematics.

Pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their education.Pupils play an important role in supporting the school's respectful environment. Older pupils take pride in looking after younger pupils.

For instance, play leaders look out for pupils who might need someone to play with. These roles give pupils opportunities to practise the school's values.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is very ambitious.

The school has carefully and deliberately sequenced what pupils need to know from the Nursery to Year 6. Pupils learn the curriculum in a logical order building on what they know. Teachers receive excellent training.

In mathematics, teachers explain concepts and methods clearly. They provide purposeful opportunities for pupils to practise what they have learned and ask questions to check and deepen pupils' understanding.Pupils have detailed knowledge across the curriculum.

For example, Year 2 pupils explain the use of media and texture in Quentin Blake's artwork. In science, pupils in Year 4 explain precisely how different liquids affect teeth. Pupils remember what they have learned because teachers make sure they regularly revisit previous learning.

Reading is a priority. The school aims for pupils to read fluently without delay. Staff in the Nursery teach children to identify environmental sounds.

This prepares children well for the learning that will follow in the Reception Year. Pupils read widely and often. They make meaningful links to books they have read when discussing their learning.

Teachers have received effective training in early reading. The reading programme is taught consistently. Books are carefully matched to the sounds that pupils have been taught.

Therefore, pupils read with increasing fluency. Pupils who find reading difficult benefit from targeted support which ensures that they keep up with their peers. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) access reading well because their needs have been identified early on in their school careers.

Staff adapt teaching approaches effectively so that these pupils achieve highly.Vocabulary development is given importance. Children in the Reception Year use words such as 'tornado', 'swirl' and 'gust' to describe a sandstorm.

Adults model sentence structure and ambitious words when speaking to children. This gives children frequent opportunities to hear and use these important words in their play.Pupils show positive attitudes to their learning.

They are highly motivated. This starts in the Nursery, where children persevere with challenging tasks. Classrooms are purposeful environments.

Pupils' learning is not interrupted by any silly behaviour.The programme for pupils' wider development is exemplary. Some pupils visit China to learn about cultures that may be different from their own.

Pupils visit France for the day so they can practise speaking French. These experiences support the school's aim for pupils to develop independence and confidence.Pupils live out the school's values including that of respect.

Pupils learn about important people who have stood up for the rights of others. They can explain why the determination of Malala Yousafzai inspires them. Pupils are taught the importance of contributing to the community.

They raise money for charity and collect food for the foodbank.Pupils benefit from many opportunities to develop their talents and pursue their interests. Pupils visit the school's allotment to plant and tend to seeds.

They harvest and cook the vegetables their seeds have grown into. Pupils develop an interest in gardening and cooking as well as an understanding of healthy lifestyles. The school provides a wide range of clubs which are well attended.

The school is forensic in its actions to maximise club attendance.Governors have an accurate understanding of the school. There are appropriate actions in place for them to check the effectiveness of the school.

Staff value the help they receive to manage their workload. They are overwhelmingly positive about being part of the school community.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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