Alec Reed Academy

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About Alec Reed Academy

Name Alec Reed Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Phil Cosby
Address Bengarth Road, Northolt, UB5 5LQ
Phone Number 02088414511
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-19
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1674
Local Authority Ealing
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at this school are safe and happy. They work hard and they are well prepared to take the next steps in their education, employment or training.

This starts in the early years where children in Nursery and Reception are very well prepared for Year 1. Leaders have made sure that children get the best possible start to school life.

Pupils benefit from a broad and interesting curriculum.

Leaders have thought carefully about the links in subjects between the different phases of the school. Subject content in the primary phase supports pupils' learning in the secondary phase.

Pupils behave well in lessons.

They listen to their teachers, and... they take pride in their work. Pupils are very respectful of others, including those from different backgrounds and with different abilities. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported well by teachers and leaders, and they are treated with respect by their classmates.

Leaders make sure that they listen to pupils' views. An active school council helps leaders to keep making improvements in the school. An award-winning garden was initiated and designed by a group of primary pupils.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils across the school benefit from an ambition for all to succeed, underpinned by a carefully designed curriculum. This is exemplified best in the early years. Children in Nursery and Reception play and learn in a very well-resourced environment.

Adults think carefully about all the activities on offer, and they encourage children to explore new learning. Children quickly develop skills to help them concentrate and to learn and play with others considerately.

The teaching of reading is prioritised.

In Reception and Year 1, staff help pupils to learn phonics securely. The books that pupils read in class and that they take home match the sounds they are learning. Pupils who are not keeping up are quickly identified and receive extra support so that that they become more confident readers.

Leaders have thought very carefully about the key knowledge that they want pupils to learn. In history, for example, pupils learn about ancient civilisations and empires in the primary phase, preparing them to find out more about modern empires in Years 7 and 8. In mathematics, teachers regularly revisit earlier content to help pupils build up the confidence they need to tackle more-complex work.

Leaders keep the curriculum under constant review. They are taking effective steps to increase the proportion of pupils who study the English Baccalaureate suite of subjects at GCSE. Pupils study a very broad curriculum, but some subjects in Years 7, 8 and 9 are not taught in the same depth as others.

The curriculum in the sixth form enables students to achieve well. A range of academic and vocational courses are delivered skilfully by teachers with very strong subject knowledge.

Teachers know their pupils well.

Teachers routinely check how well pupils have understood the subject content. Previous learning is regularly revisited to help pupils remember more. Pupils with SEND are very well supported to access the same curriculum as their classmates.

From the early years and onwards, teachers are swift to identify any additional needs. Clear and concise information-sharing from leaders helps teachers to understand the different needs of their pupils and to put strategies in place to help them to learn.

Lessons are calm and purposeful.

Pupils listen to their teachers and to each other. Positive learning habits start in the early years where children are encouraged to share, listen and to be kind. Leaders provide effective support for the small number of pupils who need extra help with their behaviour.

Sometimes pupils in the secondary phase do not move around the building as purposefully or as calmly as they should.

Leaders ensure that pupils are developed beyond the academic curriculum. A carefully thought-out programme of personal, social and health education helps pupils to learn important life skills in an age-appropriate way.

From a very early age, pupils are taught how to stay safe and healthy. Leaders make sure they review this curriculum so that they can react to current issues, such as the risks of vaping. Pupils can take on different roles and responsibilities, including as members of the active school council.

Many older pupils and sixth-form students act as mentors for younger pupils.

Pupils benefit from a very rich careers programme. Leaders have invested in resources so that all pupils receive one-to-one advice.

Pupils engage with a range of different employers and training providers. Students in the sixth form are very well supported to make informed choices about their next steps. This includes work experience as well as detailed advice and guidance on university applications.

Trustees and leaders share the same high ambitions for the school. They have an accurate understanding of the school's strengths and areas for further improvement. Trustees and leaders listen to parents and carers, staff and pupils to help them make informed decisions.

Staff benefit from leaders' commitment to their professional development. This includes teachers who are new to the profession who feel very well supported. Staff say they are proud to work in this school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Safeguarding is prioritised. A large and well-trained team has put in place clear systems to ensure that staff report and record any concerns.

Effective information-sharing across the different phases of the school ensures that pupils who may be at risk are quickly identified. Leaders are tenacious in getting support for the most vulnerable pupils.

Pupils feel safe in the school, and they know that they can report any worries they may have to a trusted adult.

They are taught how to stay safe, including how to stay safe online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Pupils study the full breadth of the curriculum as exemplified in the national curriculum. However, in key stage 3 some subjects are not covered in as much depth as others.

Leaders should continue their review of the curriculum and enable pupils to study more subjects in greater depth for longer, so that pupils have a deeper understanding of a wide range of subjects. ? Sometimes pupils in the secondary phase of the school do not regulate their own behaviour on corridors or at social times. Leaders should ensure that pupils are better able to better manage their own behaviour when moving about the building and when not in classrooms so that these times are calm and orderly.

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