Alexandra Junior School

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About Alexandra Junior School

Name Alexandra Junior School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Jane Butler
Address Cator Road, Sydenham, London, SE26 5DS
Phone Number 02087783961
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 7-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 232
Local Authority Bromley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school has high expectations of all pupils.

It guides them to think hard in class, care for others and achieve highly. This is reflected in pupils' performance in national tests in reading, writing and mathematics at the end of Year 6. The school also fosters very high standards of behaviour.

Pupils are polite, well-mannered and happy.

Pupils learn to take on responsibilities by carrying out roles that the school gives them. For example, the school council recently organised a football competition and travel explorer ambassadors encourage other pupils to care for the environment.

Older pupils read stories with their younger peers and buddy with n...ew arrivals when they join the school. Pupils regularly raise money for charity and learn about different cultures and traditions. For example, pupils in Year 6 meet pen-pals who visit from a school in Spain.

Pupils participate fully in enrichment activities. These include Brazilian ju-jitsu, Judo, choirs and 'inkhead' creative writing. Pupils also have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument and to play competitive sport.

Many parents and carers commented that their children are supported to develop their wider interests and to blossom here.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is ambitious and broad. In some subjects, it goes beyond the expectations of the national curriculum.

For example, in English pupils read a wide variety of challenging texts that include advanced vocabulary. In Year 6, pupils study Shakespeare.

Pupils' knowledge of the curriculum is typically strong and secure.

Teaching often emphasises and revisits important concepts across subjects. Pupils spoke confidently about how their work in subjects including music, art and science has developed over time and how they apply their prior knowledge to new learning.

Most pupils learn to read very well.

By the time they reach Year 6, they are fluent, confident readers with a love of books. Staff regularly help pupils who need extra support with reading. They provide frequent opportunities for these pupils to practice reading new sounds and spelling unfamiliar words.

In the main, this is successful. On occasions, however, a few pupils are asked to complete more advanced writing tasks before they have secured these basics. Due to this, gaps in a small group of pupils' writing fluency persist.

The school has identified rightly that this as an area for development.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported to access the same ambitious curriculum as their peers. Staff understand pupils' needs and ensure that they are met well in class.

Ongoing professional development provides staff with the expertise that they need to ensure pupils with SEND can learn successfully.

Pupils' attendance is high. The school uses clear systems to identify a small minority of pupils who attend less regularly.

In the last year, the school has worked effectively with these pupils and their families to improve their attendance and support their academic achievement.Pupils behave exceptionally well in class and between lessons. They are highly focused and show consistently excellent attitudes towards their learning.

They listen to and build on others' ideas during class discussions. Pupils develop a strong understanding of right and wrong and support each other's well-being.

The personal development programme is carefully planned to prepare pupils for life as they grow up.

For example, in Year 3 pupils are taught how to deal with conflict and in Year 4 they learn about different stereotypes. In Years 5 and 6, pupils learn more advanced skills, such as being respectfully assertive and understanding negotiation and compromise.

The school organises frequent activities and many outings connected to the curriculum.

Year 3 learn about forces in the science museum and Year 6 learn about World War Two through immersive theatre.

Those responsible for governance know the school and its community well. They ensure that leaders' decisions are scrutinised regularly and that the school's actions have a continued positive impact.

They take the views of pupils and staff into account when making decisions which affect them. Staff said that leaders are mindful of their workload and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• At times, a small proportion of pupils who struggle to write fluently are given tasks in class that they do not have the knowledge to complete. This means that these pupils do not develop their writing skills as quickly as they could, sometimes hindering their learning in other subjects. The school should ensure that teaching and resources in class are routinely adapted for these pupils so that they improve their writing fluency and catch up with their peers as quickly as possible.

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