All Hallows Catholic College

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About All Hallows Catholic College

Name All Hallows Catholic College
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Timothy Beesley
Address Brooklands Avenue, Macclesfield, SK11 8LB
Phone Number 01625426138
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1237
Local Authority Cheshire East
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils, including students in the sixth form, thrive at All Hallows Catholic College. The school's mission, for pupils to 'aspire not to have more but to be more', underpins every aspect of school life.

Pupils show respect and compassion for others. They have warm relationships with staff. Sixth-form students act as exemplary role models.

The school has high aspirations for all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged or those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils are expected to achieve well, and most do.

Pupils behave well in lessons and around school.

They know that any discriminatory behaviour will not be tolerate...d. If this type of behaviour does happen, pupils are confident to report incidents. They know that the school will deal with them effectively.

Pupils feel safe and well cared for in school.

Pupils are grateful for all the opportunities that the school provides for them to develop their confidence, skills and talents. These include sports clubs, choirs, a tactical games club and the Duke of Edinburgh's Award.

There are lots of opportunities to take on responsible roles, such as being anti-bullying ambassadors or members of the 'Eco- Council'.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school provides a broad and ambitious curriculum. In key stage 4, high priority is given to the English Baccalaureate suite of subjects.

The school offers an equally broad curriculum in the sixth form, which enables students to study both academic and vocational courses. When necessary, a small number of pupils with SEND follow ambitious personalised curriculums that meet their needs well.

The curriculum sets out the important knowledge that pupils will learn and the order in which this content should be taught.

This ensures that pupils' knowledge builds on what they already know. Teachers use their strong subject knowledge to present new ideas clearly. They routinely check that pupils remember what they have been taught and they swiftly address any misunderstandings and gaps in knowledge.

As a result, pupils learn well in many subjects.

In the sixth form, teaching is skilfully adapted to the needs of all students. Consequently, students produce work of a high quality.

They described exceptional academic and pastoral support. Students in the sixth form are well prepared for higher education and employment. Those students on vocational courses attain particularly well.

The school identifies pupils with SEND accurately and provides detailed information about their additional needs to teachers. In many cases, teaching is carefully adapted to ensure that pupils with SEND learn the curriculum well. On some occasions, however, teachers do not adapt their practice well enough.

When this happens, some pupils do not learn as well as they could.The school has made reading an important part of school life. It has ensured that pupils who find reading more of a challenge are given skilful and effective support.

This helps them to become more confident and fluent readers. Lessons in the library and reading in form time give pupils opportunities to read for pleasure. Teachers help pupils to develop subject-specific vocabulary.

Sixth-form students are given opportunities to supplement their courses with wider reading.

The school has created a calm and orderly environment. By rewarding the behaviour that they wish to see, staff ensure that pupils know what is expected of them.

Staff apply the school's behaviour routines consistently well.

Leaders have expanded staffing capacity to ensure that pupils' attendance is carefully monitored. Staff seek to understand any barriers to attending school in each case.

They provide effective support to pupils and their families to overcome these. Consequently, persistent absence has reduced, and most pupils attend school well.

The school's programme to support personal development is extraordinary.

Pupils develop a strong sense of responsibility and a clear moral compass. They are actively involved in a range of charitable work, including supporting local food banks and a clinic in India. Many sixth-form students volunteer, either in school or in the local community.

Pupils learn about topics such as healthy relationships and consent in an age-appropriate way. They value the wide array of extra-curricular trips offered by the school. Pupils benefit from a comprehensive careers programme.

Sixth-form students are well educated about higher education, apprenticeships and employment.

Trust and school leaders have a strong, shared understanding of the values and ethos of this school. Governors visit regularly and know the school well.

This ensures that leaders are both challenged and supported. Staff feel well supported in managing their workload and they value the opportunities that they are given to develop professionally.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• On some occasions, staff do not adapt their delivery of the curriculum well enough to support pupils with SEND. When this happens, some pupils do not receive the support they need to learn the curriculum as well as they should. The school should ensure that staff are suitably equipped to adapt their teaching practice to meet the needs of all pupils.

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