All Saints Catholic College

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About All Saints Catholic College

Name All Saints Catholic College
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Andrew O'Neill
Address 75 St Charles Square, London, W10 6EL
Phone Number 02089697111
Phase Secondary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 828
Local Authority Kensington and Chelsea
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This school's culture is both aspirational and highly nurturing. Pupils spoke enthusiastically about the education and wider opportunities that they receive. Leaders and teachers have crafted a curriculum that is ambitious for all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and disadvantaged pupils.

They consider the needs of the pupils in their care carefully and strive to bring opportunity to all. There is a sharp focus on achievement and excellence in all areas of school life.

Pupils are kept safe and happy.

They are proud of their achievements and their school. Pupils are extremely positive about their learning. They... do their best to uphold the school ethos and are clear about leaders' and staff's expectations.

Pupils' behaviour is excellent. It is unusual for staff to need to remind pupils about how to behave. On the rare occasions on which bullying occurs, it is dealt with effectively.

Pupils are taught to be tolerant, polite and articulate.

Leaders train staff well and ensure that pupils receive expert teaching in every subject. Leaders also enrich pupils' learning through a wide range of trips, activities and opportunities.

Leaders and staff have forged a strong sense of community. Parents and carers appreciate this, as well as the high expectations and comprehensive pastoral support offered at this school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and teachers are unwaveringly ambitious for all pupils.

In each subject, they think deeply and collaboratively about how well pupils are learning the planned curriculum. Teachers check pupils' understanding purposefully and, where necessary, revisit knowledge. They are experts in ensuring that all pupils are making progress through the curriculum.

This is reflected in the consistently high-quality work that pupils produce.

Leaders and staff are exceptionally knowledgeable about the needs and context of their pupils, including pupils with SEND and those who are at the early stages of speaking English. They adapt learning carefully so that all pupils know more and remember more over time.

When pupils need more intensive or bespoke support, leaders spot this and act effectively. For example, pupils who have fallen behind in reading are quickly identified and helped, including with phonics where needed. In the resourced provision too, pupils receive support and adaptations that are matched precisely to their particular needs.

Teachers and subject leaders plan the broad and balanced curriculum carefully. This means that pupils learn the knowledge that they need to understand subjects in depth. Teachers link together and go over subject content logically.

In history, for example, pupils learn about and revisit important concepts, such as how democracy has developed over time, in a range of different contexts. This enables pupils to build up a detailed understanding of what has shaped the modern world.

Leaders teach tolerance and character through a well-sequenced programme of personal, social and health education.

They have also designed a rewards programme to promote effort and kindness. Pupils respond to the high expectations of adults. Where they need additional help, this is recognised and provided by skilled pastoral staff.

Careers guidance supports pupils to learn about a range of careers and make ambitious choices when they leave the school.

Leaders' ambition for all pupils is also clear in the comprehensive and rich personal development provision. Trips and visits are frequent.

Pupils also take part in a range of artistic, creative, sporting and academic clubs. Every opportunity is taken to support, broaden and stretch pupils' interests and talents. For example, some pupils take part in the 'Schola Cantorum' choir, where they learn to read music and sing to a high standard.

Leaders monitor who is taking part in the extra-curricular offer. They make sure that all, in particular those who are disadvantaged, receive a diverse range of experiences.

Governors are very well informed and hold leaders to account.

They respond quickly to areas that need further work. For example, they made sure that leaders developed a richer curriculum in design and technology.

Leaders provide staff with training to ensure that they develop as subject experts.

Staff well-being and workload are considered thoughtfully. Staff are proud to work at the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and governors ensure that staff are well trained to recognise and report concerns. All staff are vigilant and are quick to identify pupils in need. Pupils also know how to report concerns, and they trust staff to deal with them.

Pupils receive plentiful information and guidance on what they can do to keep safe.

Leaders meet frequently to discuss pupils' welfare. This means that they know their pupils very well.

They identify concerns and respond to them swiftly. They ensure that support is available in school, and they work with outside agencies to secure additional help when needed.

Leaders carry out careful checks to ensure that only suitable staff are employed.

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