All Saints Catholic School and Technology College

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About All Saints Catholic School and Technology College

Name All Saints Catholic School and Technology College
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Clare Cantle
Address Terling Road, Wood Lane, Dagenham, RM8 1JT
Phone Number 02082704242
Phase Secondary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1443
Local Authority Barking and Dagenham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school successfully encourages pupils to demonstrate its core values, which include respect and understanding others. In addition to this, pupils meet the school's exceedingly high academic expectations and achieve very well.

Leaders have equally high expectations of pupils' behaviour and conduct. Pupils surpass these expectations, and demonstrate high levels of enthusiasm, intellectual curiosity and consideration for others. In class, they are consistently focused on learning and readily complete work that teachers set.

The school ensures that pupils are kept safe.

The school's programme of extra-curricular activities is very extensive. The school ensure...s that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) participate fully in these activities, including judo, computing, dance, an orchestra and two choirs.

Many pupils participate in school plays. All students in the sixth form take part in enrichment activities, including voice coaching, art and first aid.

Pupils' talents and interests across all subjects are identified and nurtured.

For example, pupils in Year 7 had the opportunity to pitch their business ideas to a panel in a Dragons' Den-inspired competition.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Over many years, the school has designed and continues to finesse a very ambitious curriculum for all pupils in the school, including those with SEND. In Years 7 to 9, pupils study a full curriculum, based on the best that has been thought and said across and beyond all subjects in the national curriculum.

In the sixth form, students are guided to study courses that support them to achieve their best. As a result, pupils achieve highly at all ages. This is reflected in the strong published academic outcomes for pupils at GCSE and students in the sixth form.

The school ensures that teaching supports pupils' learning effectively across all subjects. Teachers have excellent subject knowledge, including in the sixth form. Regular checks on pupils' understanding and recall of what has been taught enable pupils to connect new knowledge to what they have already learned.

The school provides many opportunities for pupils to deepen their understanding within subjects. These include themed days such as a languages day, a psychology club for younger pupils, competitions such as the mathematics challenge, and visits to art galleries and historical palaces.

Leaders at all levels are determined to continually raise standards even higher.

They do so while remaining considerate of the workload and well-being of staff. The school's work is thoroughly monitored by the governing body, which is expert in providing support and challenge where necessary.Pupils with SEND are very well supported here.

In the school's additionally resourced provision, post-16 students are provided with a tailored curriculum that prepares them fully for further study and for the wider world. In mainstream classes, pupils with SEND receive the support that they need across all subjects. They follow the same ambitious curriculum as their peers.

Teaching is very effectively adapted so that pupils with SEND achieve their best, regardless of their starting points.

The school has organised a clear programme of support for pupils who speak English as an additional language or who need help to improve their confidence and fluency in reading. This ensures that all pupils can access the curriculum and become strong readers over time.

Pupils consistently behave in a manner that supports learning. Between classes and during breaktimes, pupils interact calmly and with self-control. In class, pupils' behaviour is equally excellent, for example they listen respectfully when others contribute to whole-class discussions.

Students in the sixth form are mature, and act as role models for younger pupils. Attendance has been consistently high over many years. Since pupils returned to school after the COVID-19 pandemic, leaders have supported families and pupils where needed in order to maintain and, where necessary, improve attendance rates for all pupils.

The school organises many opportunities for pupils to take on leadership roles. These include well-being and anti-bullying ambassadors, form captains and members of the school council. In the sixth form, the student leadership team organises whole-school activities such as charity fundraising.

Through the careers programme, pupils have access to unbiased careers advice. Pupils are taught about specific career opportunities in all subjects. Pupils with SEND are given additional careers support.

Pupils are also introduced to possible future jobs and apprenticeships as part of the well-planned personal development curriculum. Local and international businesses come into the school to introduce pupils to a wide variety of career possibilities, ranging from finance to the creative industries.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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