All Souls Church of England Primary School

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About All Souls Church of England Primary School

Name All Souls Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs L Pearson
Address Rye Street, Heywood, OL10 4DF
Phone Number 01706360027
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 236
Local Authority Rochdale
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This school is a happy learning community where pupils thrive. Teachers are aspirational for pupils' achievement.

They equip pupils with highly effective learning behaviours that help them to succeed. Pupils take pride in their learning, and they enjoy sharing their vast knowledge. The school has created a strong climate for learning that enables all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to excel.

Pupils, including children in the early years, behave impeccably and they treat each other with unwavering kindness and respect. Any disagreements are swiftly resolved with expert help from staff or those pupils on the council. Pupils recognise and celebrate the diversity within the school community.

They have a deep appreciation of, and respect for, the differences between people.

Pupils make a positive and tangible contribution to the promotion of the school's values. The support that they provide for each other is exceptional.

For example, pupil leaders and pupil governors work closely with the school to enhance pupils' experiences. Staff make sure that all pupils can participate in, and make the best of, the vast array of clubs and activities on offer to them.

Pupils act successfully to bring about improvements within the school environment and beyond the school gates.

For example, pupils campaigned to have litter bins installed in the local area after carrying out a litter clean-up.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and governors have an unswerving commitment to providing the best possible education for pupils at this school. Governors are exceptionally knowledgeable about the school.

This enables them to support the school well and hold it to account effectively.

Beginning in the early years, the school has meticulously designed an ambitious curriculum that equips pupils with a deep and rich body of subject knowledge. Extensive careers information and enrichment opportunities are woven seamlessly through the curriculum to raise pupils' aspirations and enthusiasm for future learning.

Teachers develop strong expertise in how pupils learn. This enables them to design consistently effective learning activities that help to deepen pupils' understanding of concepts. The strength in the school's curriculum design enables teachers to know precisely what pupils should learn, and how it connects to their previous knowledge.

This empowers teachers to accurately pinpoint and swiftly address any gaps in pupils' understanding. As a result, pupils build up an impressive and comprehensive body of knowledge over time.

A love of reading permeates the school.

Leaders have identified an ambitious canon of texts that pupils will encounter over their time at All Souls. Children in the early years regularly take home their favourite books to enjoy with their parents and carers. Older pupils relish opportunities to choose and read books from the welcoming and well-stocked library.

Staff have a strong understanding of the early reading curriculum, and they deliver the phonics programme with considerable flair and expertise. Pupils regularly practise their reading using suitable texts that match their phonics knowledge. Staff quickly identify any pupils who find it more difficult to remember the sounds that they have been taught.

These pupils receive the extra help that they need to keep up with their peers. This enables pupils to rapidly develop into confident and enthusiastic readers.

Staff are vigilant to the signs that may indicate that pupils require additional help, for example those pupils with SEND.

The school swiftly identifies the most suitable support so that these pupils can learn the curriculum successfully. Staff are appropriately trained to adapt the delivery of the curriculum. This helps staff to remove any barriers to learning that pupils with SEND may have.

Consequently, pupils with SEND achieve very well.

The school has designed a highly effective programme of learning to support pupils' wider development. For example, pupils develop a strong understanding of the importance of equality and respect.

Their learning about different cultures and religions is enhanced by the school's careful consideration of the authors and visiting speakers that pupils encounter. A variety of trips and visits are thoughtfully selected, to enhance pupils' knowledge of the curriculum, and to broaden their social and cultural experiences.

In the early years, well-trained staff help children to settle in quickly.

Staff prioritise supporting children to develop those behaviours, such as concentration and cooperation, which help them to develop into successful learners. In lessons, pupils concentrate diligently on their learning. They are highly resilient and eager to improve their work.

The school has well-designed systems to tackle any instances of unsatisfactory behaviour. However, these systems are rarely needed as pupils are adept at managing their own behaviour.

Staff benefit from many opportunities to develop their knowledge and expertise.

They value the high level of support that they receive from leaders and governors. This equips staff well to carry out their current roles with confidence and to continue to develop professionally.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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