Alpington and Bergh Apton Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School
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About Alpington and Bergh Apton Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School
Alpington and Bergh Apton Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School
Pupils thrive in this school's aspirational culture, feeling happy and enthusiastic in their work. Pupils understand the high expectations the school has of them. They live by the school's motto, 'Let Every Light Shine', working together to create a supportive learning environment.
Pupils know teachers are always available to help. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), succeed exceptionally well with extra support and help when needed. Many pupils achieve the high standards expected of them.
Pupils are polite and respectful. They develop a strong sense of responsibility and pride in their community. Older pupils support you...nger pupils as part of their 'Alpington family'.
Pupils contribute positively to the life of the school and local area. They sensibly lead lunchtime clubs and raise awareness of local issues, such as campaigning about anti-bullying and creating posters about road safety.'
Alpington Parliament' provides a platform for pupils to learn about democracy and make decisions that contribute to improving the school.
This develops pupils' sense of self-belief and fosters confidence as they discuss and debate their ideas. Pupils celebrate difference and individuality. They learn to appreciate their local cultural heritage through visits to historical buildings and the local agricultural show.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school's curriculum is broad and ambitious. It is designed so that pupils routinely integrate their learning through the topics they study. Teaching is exceptionally well organised.
Teachers present new learning clearly. They ensure that this builds on what pupils have learned before. Pupils frequently revisit learning, which helps them remember more as they progress through the curriculum.
Teachers consistently check pupils' understanding before moving on to new learning. They correct any misunderstandings swiftly and adapt teaching so that pupils keep up. Consequently, pupils develop confidence and achieve high standards.
Staff make sure they identify any possible barriers to learning. This results in pupils receiving timely and precise support to succeed. Pupils with SEND work well alongside their peers.
They receive highly effective support that helps them develop independence and achieve well from their starting points.Pupils achieve exceptionally well in reading. The books they read interest them and promote discussion about social and moral issues such as war and historical events.
Children in the early stages of reading read books that are carefully matched to the sounds they know. This helps them become confident, fluent readers. Staff are quick to identify pupils who need extra practice to develop their reading so that they keep up.
From the early years, children get off to an excellent start. Staff focus on developing children's language and expanding their vocabulary. Children access a range of interesting equipment.
This is organised so that children practise what they have been learning. For example, they apply their knowledge of letters and sounds to write cards and labels. Children develop excellent social skills.
They cooperate on tasks such as making obstacle courses and carrying large planks and crates safely. Staff teach children to understand and express their feelings. They ensure that children learn to keep healthy.
Initiatives like 'hydration hippo' help children remember to drink plenty of water.Pupils' conduct is exemplary. Fallings-out are rare because pupils are polite and have a strong sense of friendship.
Pupils know the school deals with any concerns promptly, which prevents issues from spreading. Pupils appreciate the friendship garden as a place to reflect on their feelings. Effective nurture support helps pupils understand their emotions and maintain positive mental health.
The school is highly successful in promoting pupils' personal development. Pupils sensibly run clubs that enhance their talents and introduce new interests like crochet and chess. Pupils' character development is exceptional.
A key aspect of this is the way the school weaves its values through every lesson. This promotes pupils' independence, curiosity and thoughtfulness. Trips and visits broaden pupils' horizons.
Pupils learn about different jobs and visit local high schools. This inspires them for their future. Pupils regularly discuss and debate ideas, learning to respect the opinions of others.
They celebrate their similarities and differences. Pupils enjoy various sports, music and enrichment activities that develop new talents. For example, all pupils sing in the choir and learn the ukulele.
This develops confidence and perseverance as they represent their school in local events.The school is aspirational for everyone. Staff receive excellent support and training to ensure they provide a high-quality education.
Staff appreciate the support they receive for their well-being and workload. Parents and carers praise the school for its positive and inclusive environment.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.