Altmore Infant School

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About Altmore Infant School

Name Altmore Infant School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Sarah Rowlands
Address Altmore Avenue, East Ham, London, E6 2BX
Phone Number 02084723555
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 2-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 582
Local Authority Newham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy coming to school. They are happy and safe here.

Pupils respond enthusiastically to the high expectations that staff have for them. Leaders want the best for all pupils. Pupils try hard to live the school values and do their best.

Leaders do all they can to make sure pupils attend regularly.

Leaders have set high expectations for pupils' behaviour. Behaviour at all times of the day is exemplary.

Bullying is rare. Any incidents of bullying are dealt with effectively by school leaders. Pupils trust adults if they need any help.

Staff help pupils to enjoy reading. They make sure that pupils benefit from carefully chosen activities t...hat help build their knowledge and understanding across the curriculum.

Pupils value the range of clubs, outings and visitors to school.

Activities such as author visits and sports clubs allow all pupils opportunities to broaden their interests. These experiences develop pupils' social skills and an understanding of modern Britain. Parents and carers are positive about the work of the school.

One parent's comment was typical of many when they said, 'It's a wonderful school and my son is excited to go there.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has an ambitious curriculum. It is broad and well organised.

In most subject areas, specific skills, knowledge and vocabulary have been identified carefully. For example, pupils rapidly gain knowledge and skills in physical education (PE) and practise these regularly to gain confidence and proficiency. Leaders have a strong understanding of their subject areas.

This helps them to have clear assessment procedures to identify and check pupils' understanding.

Staff enable pupils to be well prepared for their next stage in learning. For instance, in mathematics, the curriculum is designed to feature regular recaps to make learning effective and enjoyable.

In some subjects, however, the school's curricular thinking is not as well developed, including building children's knowledge from the year onwards sequentially. In the early years, children develop successfully across all areas of learning. Staff help to build children's confidence and independence.

Leaders help pupils to read confidently, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). In early years, children develop their language and listening skills through songs, rhymes and stories. Leaders have made sure that staff have the expertise to deliver the phonics programme well.

This helps pupils to build reading accuracy quickly. Daily phonics sessions are taught consistently well. All pupils keep up with the phonics programme.

The books that pupils read are closely matched to the sounds that they know. Pupils learn to read fluently and develop a love of reading.

Leaders work closely with parents and the on-site children's centre to find out about pupils' individual needs.

This helps to ensure the right support is put in place. Pupils with SEND learn successfully, including in early reading, writing and mathematics. Staff ensure that pupils with SEND throughout the school develop well socially and academically.

Teachers make adaptations so that pupils with SEND can access the curriculum and enjoy learning.

The school fosters a calm and orderly environment with clear routines and expectations. This helps pupils get the most out of the curriculum and to concentrate very well during lessons.

Staff have excellent working relationships with pupils. As a result, the school has a respectful and purposeful culture where pupils are highly motivated to do well.

Leaders promote pupils' personal development exceptionally well.

Pupils learn about diversity, tolerance and inclusivity. Leaders enrich the curriculum by inviting a variety of visitors into school. Pupils also visit places of interest, such as the local places of worship and landmarks of London.

They travel on public transport to build confidence and knowledge of their community. Pupils have many opportunities to carry out roles and take responsibility, for example as council members and playground ambassadors, which they are very proud of. Pupils are taught how to keep healthy.

Leaders have rigorous systems in place to follow up on any pupil absence. Leaders and the governing body are well informed about the strengths of the curriculum. Staff appreciate the efforts of senior leaders to reduce their workload and consider their well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have a rigorous approach to safeguarding. They ensure all pupils are safe.

Leaders make sure that all staff are suitably trained to identify and report any concerns about pupils. They work closely with external agencies and the children's centre, on site, to secure appropriate support for children and families.

Referrals are made quickly, leading to pupils being given support in a timely way.

Pupils are confident that staff will help them and, as a result, they feel safe at school. Pupils are taught how to stay safe, including online. In personal, social and health education, they learn about healthy friendships.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few subjects, leaders have not made sure that the curriculum is well sequenced or coherent. As a result, pupils, including children in the early years, do not remember sufficient essential knowledge. Leaders should ensure that high expectations and curriculum planning are consistent so that pupils can build on prior knowledge and apply it successfully to future learning.

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