Amport Church of England Primary School

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About Amport Church of England Primary School

Name Amport Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Nicky King
Address The Green, Amport, Andover, SP11 8BA
Phone Number 01264772396
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 99
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Key findings

Amport is a good school because: Children settle quickly into school and their needs are met well. Throughout their time at school, pupils make good progress.

By the time they leave at the end of Year 6, standards are above average in both English and mathematics. Teaching is good across the school, particularly for the older pupils. Parents and carers are actively engaged and involved in the life of the school and this helps their children's learning significantly from the earliest age.

Pupils apply good skills in reading, writing and mathematics across different subjects of the curriculum. Pupils have a very positive attitude to learning, behave well in class and around the school, and produ...ce their best work when encouraged to complete tasks independently. An interesting curriculum ensures that pupils are motivated to learn and provides positive experiences which help them develop into mature and confident young people.

The curriculum is extended effectively by clear links with the local community and homework projects that encourage independent thinking. The headteacher sets high expectations and has a clear view of what is needed for improvement. The school leadership, staff, and the governing body are all committed to ensuring that pupils are successful, happy and safe.

It is not yet an outstanding school because: The targets set for pupils are sometimes not as challenging as they might be, especially for the younger pupils. There are some inconsistencies in the quality and pace of teaching and learning in individual classes and subjects. Learning tasks in some lessons are not consistently differentiated to match the learning needs of pupils exactly.

Information about the school

Amport is a much smaller than average primary school, in rural surroundings. About 70% of pupils attend from the immediate area, whilst others come from further afield. Many children join the Reception Year from nursery and pre-school provision, although, for some, Amport is their first experience of a school setting.

There are four classes in the school, three of which have mixed year groups. Year 4 is taught as a single year-group class. The proportion of pupils who are known to be eligible for free school meals is significantly below the national average.

Nearly all pupils are from a White British background. The percentage of disabled pupils and those who have special educational is lower than the national average, as is the proportion of pupils with statements of special educational needs. The school meets the current floor standards, which set the government's minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress.

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