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Anker Valley is a warm, nurturing, successful school.
Pupils flourish because they are cared for deeply. Their needs are at the heart of every decision the school makes. The school has created an atmosphere where respect is commonplace.
This can be seen clearly in relationships pupils have with each other and with adults. Pupils repeatedly describe all members of staff as 'kind'. This helps them to feel safe and happy in school.
They attend eagerly and regularly and are keen to learn.
Pupils are routinely kind to each other. They have beautiful manners.
The behaviour they show at all points of the day is praiseworthy. The school has high exp...ectations that everyone should be respectful, show kindness, be courteous, be determined and show care. These are impressively realised.
The expectations are modelled for pupils by extremely dedicated, caring and skilful staff in all areas of the school. It is a harmonious place to be, where each pupil is known as an individual and treated as such.
The school has high expectations for the achievement of all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
This is realised particularly well in reading, writing and mathematics.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Children get off to an excellent start in the early years. The setting ensures they develop independence and curiosity very well.
They show determination and perseverance in the varied and engaging learning opportunities made available for them. There is a strong focus on children developing communication and language skills. They confidently and accurately retell stories and act them out on the purpose-built stage in the well-equipped outdoor area.
Early reading has a high priority. Teachers are skilled in delivering phonics sessions. Staff quickly identify pupils at risk of falling behind.
Targeted support is provided for them in additional 'breakfast phonics' sessions. These sessions are effective. Pupils read books that allow them to practise the sounds they know and help them to read new and unfamiliar words with fluency.
The beautiful school library is open to the pupils every breaktime and lunchtime so they can enjoy their favourite book. Many pupils choose to do this. Regular story times at the end of each day further support developing a love of books and stories.
A carefully designed curriculum ensures that pupils also achieve well in writing and mathematics. Careful thought has been given to what pupils learn and when they learn it. This allows them to build their skills and knowledge in a logical way.
However, in a small number of subjects, the school has not ensured that the curriculum is implemented in a way that allows knowledge to build and deepen. In these subjects, pupils are not given enough opportunities to demonstrate what they have learned and remembered.
The school identifies pupils with SEND without delay.
Pupils with SEND are provided with high-quality nurture and care. The school seeks advice and support from external professionals to ensure these pupils receive the support they need. Astro, the much-loved dog, is a valued member of the school, offering alternative support to any pupil who needs it.
Guinea pigs, a rabbit and chickens enhance this support further.
The school offers a wide range of exceptional experiences to develop pupils' personal development. There are many exciting opportunities for pupils to enjoy beyond the classroom.
These include trips to London and to many places in the local area. This helps pupils gain a deep understanding of their local community and beyond. Pupils are also taught about the wider world in a way that is appropriate for their age and stage of development.
They already have a good understanding of the need to care for others and how they can help to make the world a better place. Pupils understand that the expectations, which are very well embedded, are not just for school. They are to help them become well-rounded adults of the future.
Interests and talents are enhanced through many after-school clubs and activities. There really is something for everyone to enjoy. Pupils take up these opportunities readily.
All pupils learn to play the keyboard and the ukulele. They also have opportunities to sing as part of the school choir in the local community.
The school receives an exceptional level of support and guidance from the trust.
It places great emphasis on staff training and development. This is further complemented by a strong and dedicated local governing board. Staff welcome this support and unanimously describe both the trust and governing board as having a positive influence on their work.
Staff feel highly valued, and they are. They are proud members of the Anker Valley family and the Fierté family.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The school has not ensured that the curriculum is implemented in such a way so that pupils achieve its aims in a small number of subjects. This means pupils are not able to build knowledge cumulatively within a topic and across topics. The school should ensure there are effective opportunities for pupils to deepen this learning over time and demonstrate what they have learned.