Ann Cam Church of England Primary School

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About Ann Cam Church of England Primary School

Name Ann Cam Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Sarah Smith
Address Bayfield Gardens, Dymock, GL18 2BH
Phone Number 01531890424
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils Unknown
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Community is at the heart of this caring and nurturing school. The vision 'Deeply rooted and flourishing together' is understood across the school.

For example, pupils, staff and members of the community have rallied together to raise money for the school's swimming pool. Pupils decided on how best to do this. They chose to do a challenging sponsored walk up Pen Y Fan in the Brecon Beacons.

Together, they treasured watching the sun rise as they completed this journey. Pupils can now see the fruits of their efforts. They have made a tangible difference to their school life.

The school has high expectations for what pupils should achieve. Consequently, pupils w...ork hard in lessons and they are engaged in their learning. Pupils are happy and excited to come to school.

They feel they can share any worries with adults. This helps them to feel safe.

Pupils benefit from a wealth of opportunities beyond the academic.

Visits to Eastnor Castle, bowling and local garden centre visits are just some of the opportunities on offer to enhance the curriculum. Pupils get to learn new skills through rounders, mindfulness and painting clubs.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The high aspirations the school has for pupils are exhibited by its work on the curriculum since it opened.

The progression of knowledge is clear from Reception to Year 6. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported. These pupils have bespoke plans with precise targets.

This helps them to learn the curriculum well.

Leaders have placed a sharp focus on improving the mathematics curriculum. They are doing all they can to address the weak mathematics outcomes in 2023.

Emphasis has been placed on basic number facts so that previous gaps in learning are filled. As a result, pupils are developing a deeper body of knowledge in mathematics, and they are now able to reason effectively.

The school has placed importance on the teaching methods staff use across subjects.

For example, in music, cherry symbols are used to represent quavers and crochets. These are then removed further up the school to introduce musical notation. Because of this, pupils learn musical notation progressively and can therefore understand musical notation by the time they leave primary school.

Children learn to read as soon as they start school. Staff who are expertly trained teach children the sounds that letters represent. Staff pay close attention to children's pronunciation of sounds and letter formation.

Consequently, children learn to speak and write well. The books children read match the sounds they are secure in. This helps them develop confidence and a love of reading.

This love extends across the school. Word millionaire competitions and local library visits help pupils to enjoy a range of genres and authors.In Reception Year, activity choices precisely match the knowledge the school wants children to learn.

Quality interactions with adults help children to extend their vocabulary. The environment provides a sensory experience. For example, children listen to audio books independently and explore objects in the 'sandy suitcase'.

Consequently, children have sustained engagement with their learning and can articulate what they have learned. Nursery provides a caring environment where children learn to co-operate well. Although there are clear outcomes the school wants children to achieve, the precise knowledge that will build to these end points has not been considered carefully.

This means some children do not sustain engagement with activities and broaden their vocabulary.

Although attendance is slightly below national levels, leaders do all they can to analyse the causes for absence. They support pupils to attend well.

The new behaviour rules 'ready, respectful, safe' have made clear how pupils should behave. As a result, pupils behave well in lessons. Although this is so, breaktimes are less structured so pupils feel their activities are hindered by the boisterous play of others.

A few pupils feel unable to partake in the activities they wish to enjoy.

Through the wider curriculum, pupils learn how to keep themselves safe, including online. They learn to value difference, for example respecting other people's religious beliefs.

The school works closely with the church. For example, the choir performed during 'daffodil teas' at the church during Dymock Daffodil days.

The trust and local governors have clear oversight of the strengths and areas to develop.

They challenge and support leaders effectively. The trust and staff share the headteacher's passion to continually enhance the school for the pupils of Ann Cam.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The Nursery curriculum does not specify in enough detail the precise knowledge and vocabulary children should learn. As a result, the learning activities on offer do not support children to achieve across the seven areas of learning as well as they could. The trust should identify the precise knowledge it wants children to learn and by when as part of the Nursery curriculum so that this prepares children well for their Reception Year and beyond.

• During social times, the outdoor space can be impacted by boisterous behaviour. Consequently, some pupils do not feel they are able to participate fully in the activities they enjoy. The trust should ensure that these times are structured for pupils so that the shared space supports all pupils and the many activities they wish to enjoy.

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